Chapter 4 - The Mines of Moria

Start from the beginning

"Here lies Balin, son of Fundin, Lord of Moria." The old Wizard looks upon the rest of the fellowship, "He is dead then. It is as I feared."

I walk towards Gimli placing a hand on his shoulder, a few tears in my eyes, as Gimli wails in his grief for his cousin. 

I place my hand on Balin's tomb and whisper a small goodbye.

"Rest in piece my friend, may we meet in another life."

Gandalf hands his staff and hat to Pippin before he bends down, picking up a large dusty book, wiping some cobwebs and dirt from the it.

"We must move on, we cannot linger!" Legolas says to Aragorn, who nods, but allows Gimli some time to grieve. Gandalf begins reading. 

"They have taken the bridge, and the second hall. We have barred the gates, but cannot hold them for long. The ground shakes. Drums, drums in the deep." I looked at the corpses around me. Gandalf turns the page, and continues, "We cannot get out. A Shadow moves in the dark. We cannot get out...They are coming." I shiver at the words, wishing to be clear of the Mines, and wishing more than anything to return home and breathes the fresh air from the Rivendell trees. 

I turn just in time, to see Pippin touching the arrow stuck in the chest of a corpse. The body was sitting on the stone well. Before I could say anything to the hobbit the arrowhead broke, causing the body to fall backwards. The body pulled a chain attached to a bucket with it, and all that could be heard throughout the chamber, and I was pretty sure, the entire mine. I winced at every new bang and noise, until finally, there was silence.

I jumped once more, as Gandalf slammed the book shut.

"Fool of a Took!" He stormed over angrily. "Throw yourself in next time and rid us of your stupidity!" He snatched his hat and staff back. 

Just as there finally appeared to be calm, We heard a deep drumming from below, the noise echoing as each of us looked to each other.

"Frodo!" I look to the hobbit, seeing a blue glow from his sword.

"Orcs!" Legolas shouted.

Boromir ran to the door, looking out as two arrows land near his head. He jerks himself back quickly, before more can land near him.

Aragorn turns to the hobbits.

"Get back! Stay close to Gandalf!" He then drops his torch and runs to Boromir, closing the door. 

A huge roar can be heard just outside. Boromir leans against the doors for a quick second. 

"They have a cave troll."

Legolas begins to pass weapons to the two men, I follow suit as quickly as I could. I drew my bow, aiming at the door, and waiting.

Gimli leapt onto Balins tomb, his axe at the ready. He lets loose a battle cry.

"Let them come! There is one dwarf yet in Moria that still draws breath!"

Orcs began to tear through the doors, creating holes in their attempts to break in. I shoot one through the holes, Aragorn and Legolas also shooting the orcs. 

They break through, and the battle starts.

I shoot as many as I could. Quickly firing, then redrawing, until they got too close for comfort. I drew my sword, cutting down those around me. 

I hear the battle cries of my companions as they join in the fight. Collectively we take down the offending orcs, until there is a large roar, and rumbling as a cave troll smashes through the entrance.

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