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Can came out of the hut and told her his clothes suited her and smiled. He told her he was going to go collect some wood for the fire pit. He told her if she wanted, she could collect vegetables from the garden, and he would make a salad. She told him she would make the salad. He said OK. He went off to collect some wood. Sanem got the vegetables for the salad and made a big salad. Can had not returned. Sanem got bored, so she went into the hut and put a record on. He had a quick beat, so Sanem started dancing to it. She was jumping and dancing all over the yard. She was having a great time. Unknown to her, Can was watching her the whole time. He really enjoyed watching her. He wondered who frolics like that anymore? He couldn't help but smile. She danced like she had no care in the world. He couldn't believe her body could move like that. He carried the wood into the yard and Sanem saw him. She immediately stopped dancing. Can asked her where she learned to dance like that. She said hobby. He told her that she continued to surprise him. Sanem was embarrassed. Can told her not to be embarrassed. He enjoyed the show. In his head, he said 2 can play this game. He stripped his shirt off and started chopping wood. He knew Sanem was watching him and he loved it.

Can grilled up some meat over the fire and served Sanem. He sat down across from her. She took and bite and loved it. She told Can she use to call perfect meat "bebishko" when she was little . Can laughed out loud. She talked his ear off about the people in her district. Can realized she had drunk a lot of the wine he sat out. Can watched her while she talked and talked. He found her very interesting. Can went into the hut to develop the pictures of Sanem he took. She waited at the table and continued to drink more wine. He came out and told her he was done, and he could take her home. Sanem said her affairs were not done. It was obvious she finished the rest of the wine. She put on a record and told him to come; he owed her dance. He said yes, he did. Can took her in his arms and she laid her head on his chest. They danced. Can admitted to her that he was the albatross she was looking for. Sanem did not respond. Can realized she passed out in his arms. He picked her up and carried her into the hut and laid her on the couch. He pushed some hair out of her face. He touched her lips and thought of kissing her, but he did not.

The next morning, Sanem woke up in Can's hut. She freaked out when she realized she stayed all night. She remembered some of what happened last night and Can confirmed it. She said very good with embarrassment. Can drove her home. He dropped her off at Ayhan's so Sanem's mother would not know she was with Can all night. Can saw the man in the store that Sanem was arguing with the other night. He decided to pay him a visit. Can entered the store and closed the door behind him. He took the keys to the store. He told him they needed to talk. He told him he knew who he was and what he did to the Aydin's. He bought their store for $40,000 and tried to sell it back to them for $100,000. He told him he would sell the store back to the Aydin's for $40,000 or he would get the police involved due to his crimes. Cackal told him he would...he would. Can wrote him a check for $40,000 and told him the store now belonged to the Aydin's. He handed Cackal a chocolate bar and told him to give it to the younger Aydin. She was probably hungry.

Cackal met the Aydin's outside their home and handed the keys back to Nihat. He told them the store was theirs again. He didn't want it. He also handed Sanem the chocolate bar because he felt she was hungry. Sanem and Leyla headed to the agency. Fabri came and met with Can so they could sign the contract for the campaign. He congratulated Can on his engagement to Sanem. Can was confused. Fabri told him that Cey Cey informed him last night after he grabbed Sanem's hand and left the party. Fabri apologized if he insulted Can in any way. He didn't mean to cross any lines with Can's fiance.

In the meantime, Guliz was talking to Sanem. She informed Sanem the whole office knew she spent the night with Can. She asked Sanem if she knew Can had a girlfriend. They had been together for years and her name was Polen. She told Sanem that Polen lives abroad but comes in to see Can. Sanem's heart dropped out of her chest. She was upset. She was beginning to fall for Can and he played her. Sanem walked outside to get some air. She was beginning to think Mr. Emre was right about Can. He was a bad person. Can wanted Sanem in his office, but she refused. She told Can she was quitting. The whole time they were talking on their cells, Can went looking for her. He came up behind her while she was still talking to him on the cell phone. He grabbed her by the hand and took her to Emre's office. He asked her what happened from the time he dropped her off this morning and now. They were getting a long fine and now she was just acting stupid.

Fabri opened the door to congratulate them on their engagement. Sanem was totally confused. Sanem was not aware of the dinner invite for her and Can. Fabri wanted to have dinner with them to celebrate their engagement. Sanem played a long. Can had a meeting with all of his employees. He said the company would be closed tomorrow. They were all going to a motivational camp. Sanem told her sister she was not going. Deren told them everybody had to go and participate.

Deren cornered Sanem and told her Sanem she fell in love with a boss. She was not trying to offend anyone, but Sanem was child in an adult business. She warned Sanem not to compete with her, otherwise she would make her very sorry. She then told Sanem she was watching her.

When Sanem arrived home, she heard laughter in the kitchen. She found Can and her parents talking and laughing. Can came to pick her up for their dinner with Fabri. Sanem went to get ready. At dinner, Fabri wanted to know where they met. Can said Paris. Sanem said Kaiser. So, they both had to make up a story on how they met in each place they stated. Fabri believed them. When dinner was over, Can took Sanem home. Neither spoke the whole way. But they kept glancing at each other. Sanem got out and told him thank you. Can drove home.

The next day the employees met at the motivational camp. Aylin and her company were there. They would be competing against this company, as well as, others during the motivational camp. Sanem and her team were competing against Aylin's team in tug-of-war. Sanem noticed Can's arrival and let go of the rope. She fell hitting her knees. Aylin's team won. Can ran over and asked if she was OK. She said I am fine, Mr. Can.

The next event was a blindfold event. It was Sanem against Aylin. You had to feel the faces of people in your line and guess who that person was. Sanem started down her line and came to Can. She felt his face. She knew immediately who it was but could not seem to stop touching his face. Can was enjoying her hands on his face. She touched his ears, forehead, eyes, his beard and then started over. Because she was still mad at him over finding out about Polen, she stated she didn't know him. She removed her blindfold, looked at him and walked away. Can followed her. Sanem ended up at a railing overlooking the sea. Can came up beside her and said please talk to me. I need to know why your acting this way. Sanem asked him how Polen was. Can said Oh, so you know about Polen. Sanem said Yes, I know about your girlfriend. Can told her she wasn't really his girlfriend. They dated for several years, but there was nothing serious between them. He did not love Polen. Sanem asked him why he didn't tell her. Can said he was sorry, and he should have. He just doesn't understand why Sanem is so upset with him. They weren't a couple or anything. Sanem told him she spent the night in his hut. She never would have if she had known Can had a girlfriend. Can said, like I said, there is nothing serious between Polen and I. Sanem looked at him and told him she wished he would have told her. She walked back to camp.

Fabri showed up at the motivational camp. Sanem saw him and ran over to Can's table. She made Deren move so she could sit by Can. Can threw his arm over her shoulders and nodded at her. Fabri then appeared at Can's table. He asked how the happy couple was. They smiled and said fine. Can asked Sanem if she would go somewhere with him. Sanem nodded. Can told everyone he would see them later and took Can's hand. They walked out of sight of everyone. Can said Sanem, you do not have to continue with this game. You don't have to hold my hand and pretend you love me. Can said he did not care about the contract. He told her if she wanted, and he meant really wanted, then she could stay by his side. Sanem told him if you want me to stay, I will stay. If you want me to leave, I will leave. 

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