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Cold and silent..
The ice and snow does not speak.

The kingdom has long stood on its frozen feet..
The wind from the mountain whispered its sorrowful mourning.

The day and the night..
the moon and the sun..
Are no longer distinguishable .

All that's visible is only the cold, dead darkness.

Not even a snowman could move in this place, not for the cold but for the fear of the ice queen.

The princess never reach her sister, at least not her sister heart..

In the end she become a frozen sculpture, beautiful and pure.

Yet, not breathing...
Not Alive...

Leaving her lonely sister with a frozen heart..

The Queen's sorrow brought down the kingdom alongside with her..

She weep at her sister statue every time..

Her own body has become one with the ice and the wind..

They carried her pain away..

Through the alley of the empty streets and empty halls...

Through the empty bedrooms and empty throne..

Through the frozen body in every house..

Through the eyes of the prince with the heart of stone..

They all froze in time...

To keep the Queen of ice with the Frozen Heart...


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2019 ⏰

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