12. Happy Campers pt 1

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They broke apart with big smiles on their faces. "Hey um, You know how there's this camp our school goes to every year ?" Toni asked Cheryl. "Yeah" Cheryl answered. "Well I was wondering if you're going too" "No one wants me there" Cheryl shrugged. Toni took Cheryl's hands into her own. "I do.. please think about it. This could be so much fun. See it as a big group sleepover with activities. Maybe if we get lucky we'll even share a room." Cheryl looked away a bit shy. "Okay i'll think about it, but that doesn't mean I'm automatically going." They let out a chuckle.

~Time Skip two weeks later and Cheryl and Toni are getting ready to leave for the camp~

"Are you excited ?" Cheryl asked. "I don't know, I'm looking forward to it tho." Toni replied. "I can't even remember what the camp looks like to be honest." Cheryl jerked her head around. "It has like these cute little cabin things and they look so warm and gosh and in the middle of the camp there's room for a campfire and I saw that there's this big beautiful lake and and um... WE'RE going hike through the forest, I can't wait" She was absolutely adorable. Toni took Cheryl's chin in her hand. "I knew you'd love to go there, now get on the bus before they leave without us." And so they got on the bus. As soon as the bus started driving Cheryl fell asleep on Toni's shoulder. Nobody really paid much attention to it because Cheryl and Toni had been hanging out more often these days. It was a six hour bus ride and the was already setting when they left riverdale. They'd get there somewhere around midnight if everything went according to plan. Toni hates a lot of teachers at school, but the ones who were going to the camp with them weren't so bad. You got coach Clayton the Pe teacher, miss Fergenson the English teacher, mr Benson who teaches algebra and miss García the Spanish teacher. Mr Benson and miss García are in their twenties still so they're pretty chill. Miss Fergenson and Coach Clayton are in their thirties but they're good people so they're fine. There's two more teachers but Toni does not like them. Suddenly the bus came to a stop, they made it there. Toni had fallen asleep too. Before she woke up Cheryl she took a quick little picture because she's so cute. "Hey.. we're here.. wake up C" she gently shook her awake. "Already ?" She yawned. "Yeah it's" Toni looked at her phone "12:40, I'm guessing we stopped for gas or something." She shrugged. "Could be." Then one of the teachers called through the bus. "Hello everyone and welcome to camp lake side, now when we leave the bus we want the girls to go to the cabins on the right and the boys to go to the cabins on the left. With who you're staying in the cabin is your choice. There's room for six people. And mind you, we won't be the only school here so it could be that you have to share a room with people from the other school. When you get to your cabin you unpack your stuff make your bed and go to sleep immediately. Tomorrow we will wake you all at 9 am sharp." They rolled their eyes. "Why so early, there's no way i'm gonna be able to wake up." They walked out of the bus and got their stuff. "How do they even have the energy for that ?." They both looked at each other then laughed. "Hey let's get this cabin, it's still empty. I'M CLAIMING THE TOP BUNK AT THE WINDOW." Toni exclaimed. "I'll sleep under you" Toni smirked. "Bottom" Cheryl didn't get it which made Toni laugh even more. "You'll know eventually." As they were unpacking and making their beds three girls walked in. "Hey uh the other cabins are full and we were the last to arrive can we stay in this one with you guys ?" The girl wearing her hair up in spacebuns asked. "Of course!" Cheryl excitedly answered. "Cool I'm Mareth by the way, Mareth Ravenlock." "My name is Cheryl Blossom." "Toni Topaz, and you guys ?" They closed the door behind them. "Oh i'm Robin Buckley" "Penelope Park" she said winking. "Just to be sure, no one here is homophobic right ?" Toni asked. "I like girls myself, i'm a lesbian." Robin said. "Good because I'm bisexual." Toni said. "Me too" Penelope responded. "I'm also lesbian Robin." Cheryl smiled softly. "Looks like we're all just a bunch of gays in here." Penelope said smirking and raising an eyebrow. They smiled. "I'm straight..." Mareth said. Everyone looked at her. "Right spacebuns." Toni said. Chuckling. "Um... Chile anyways so" They all laughed. "I feel like we're going to good friends" Cheryl spoke. "Yeah I think so too" they agreed. "Is anyone going to sleep right away ?" Robin asked the girls. "Not me." Mareth said. "Same." "Same." "Same." "Okay well then let's play a game to get to know eachother better." Everyone's bed was already made by now. "So we will go around in a circle and ask questions, lets all sit on the top beds, it's easier that way." Robin spoke while already climbing onto Mareth's bed. "I'll go first." She continued after she was sat next to Mareth. "So spacebuns, how do you know you're 100 % sTrAiGhT" She asked airquoting the word straight. "I have only dated men, and have never done anything with any girl." Their smirks grew. "But you'd like to ?" Robin asked as followup question. "Hey one question a time." She said gently hitting her with her pillow. "Cheryl, what's the furthest you've ever gone ?" She looked sideways. "Um, when I was little I went to Paris with my parents." Toni snorted. "That's not what she meant C" "Still innocent huh ?" Penelope said still laughing. "I meant how far have you ever gone sexually ?" Mareth asked again. "Oh.. I uh" She grew bright red. "I haven't exactly..." She thought back at that one time she spent the night at Toni's and gulped. The memories came flooding back and she had to hide her smile. "SHE'S A VIRGIN !" Robin yelled. "Yea." She shyly said in the most adorable way ever. "TT, how many girlfriends have you had ?" She asked bravely. "Just one, and we didn't click it was really just seeking comfort." This made Cheryl blush, she thought Toni would've at least had three before her. Well "them" wasn't really a thing was it. What were they ?. "Penelope, what is your zodiac sign ?." "Scorpio" She said smiling. "Knew it." And so the group went on with more and more questions until eventually.

"Cheryl, what's a secret you swore nobody would ever get to know ?" Cheryl looked away debating if she should tell them or not. She didn't wanna ruin the fun. "I uh" She cleared her throat. "I once slept over at a friends house. My friend was a girl, I mean she still is but you get it. So uh after my friend gave me some clothes to sleep I fell asleep on her bed." "And she joined you" Penelope interrupted. "Penelope let the girl tell her story, I'm curious." Mareth cut her off before she could say anything else. "Yes in fact, but really late at night like really late I woke up by light coming from the bathroom. And then." She stopped to breath for a second. "C'mon you can tell us." Penelope said. "Then my friend came out of the bathroom... wearing only black lace lingerie. She had the most perfect body. I was absolutely mesmerized. Then she started walking closer and she ended up saying she liked me and she ended up on top of me on all fours. We..kissed and she... you can imagine. But then I woke up, That was the first time I- you know. My underwear was so wet and I was super uncomfortable, but I couldn't ask my friend for new panties cuz that'd be weird and yeah. I had this knot in my stomach too. It was weird. I can't say I didn't enjoy it though." They all went silent. "Wow, that's.. that's one heck of a story red. Damn so you're not as innocent as we thought." She chuckled. "I guess not" She shrugged. Toni on the other hand just looked kinda turned on. As they were about to ask another question miss Honey barged in. "What do you jazzabelle's think you're doing ? You were supposed to be asleep two hours ago it's nearly three am. Go to bed now or there will be consequences." And with that she slammed the door. "God I hate that bitch." Miss Honey is the principle's daughter and also a well hated teacher. But they didn't want to get into any trouble so they obeyed.
"Night everyone" "goodnight." And with that they all went to sleep.
I didn't reread this so there might be some spelling errors and such but it's almost two am where I live and I have school tomorrow. Sorry it took so long to publish this and i'm hoping I'll update regularly again soon.
1580 words thanks for reading!

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