March 12th, 2014 (Geoff)

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A/N: WAHT UP MAH ZENS?! Well lookie here. For those of you who actually read this fic which is not many because every single one of my fics so far is an OC fic with myself shipping either myself or an OC of mine with a YouTube crush and in a YouTuber-ish like group and oh my god I'm rambling... Well... LOOKIE HERE A NEW POV! MOVING ON.

March 12th, 2014 (Geoff)

I groan and turn away from the large window. The sunlight filters through the blinds from the window. It's too early for this shit. I feel an arm wrap around my waist and try to pull me closer. I open my eyes and smile, seeing Griffon, my beautiful wife, grinning at me.

"Morning," she smiles at me, then kisses my nose. Just then, the door bursts open.

"Oh. You're awake," the slight British accent causing me to look over Griffon and to the door. Zack stands there, hands on his hips and most of his weight on his right leg. Already dressed and ready to go. "So, you gonna get up now lover boy? We're running late."

"What?" I ask. I turn around and look at the alarm clock on the oak bedside table. "Fuckin' dicks!"

"Um, Geoff, hate to break it to ya but... That's my job," Zack smirks and walks out of the room happily, a slight spring in his step. Well, looks like he isn't pissy anymore from the Rage Quit, last... night... Fuck. What's Michael gonna do to him? Wait, what am I thinking? I'm Michael's boss. I can fire his ass if he tries to beat him up, especially on his third day (not officially of course). "Just hurry the fuck up!" Zack yells from down the hall.

I quickly climb out of the bed, grabbing some clothes from the drawer and changing into them. Griffon eying me up as I do so. I shake my head at her with a smile and walk out of our room, down the hall, and to the bathroom. I grab my toothbrush and work away at cleaning my teeth. Once finished I head back out, down the stairs, grab the keys on the living room coffee table and walk into the kitchen. Zack's sipping a mug of coffee sitting down at the table and left one out on the counter for me. I quickly grab the mug and down the drink as it was merely lukewarm.

"You gonna finish that shit, dickhead, or not?" I say, tapping my foot, eager to get going.

"I don't know. Not with that attitude I'm not."

Geoff groans.

"Fine. I'll finish the damn coffee, just give me a sec," Zack sighs, hesitantly chugging his. He places it in the sink before we both walk briskly towards the door. We head through, lock it, and head into the car. "Hurry the fuck up."

"It's not my fault I slept in when you coulda woken me," I glare at him, causing his smug smirk to fade. He shrugs and looks down at his feet, mumbling a sorry. I sigh and pinch the bridge of my nose, leaning back in my seat. "Dude, stop with the sudden changes in your personality." Another mumbled sorry. "Seriously, cut it out. You're acting like a child."

"I am?" He asks quietly.



I sigh again. "Sorry." He lifts his head up slightly and turns a little to see my through his bangs which are actually long as fuck, probably going to about the bottom of the nose.


"Sorry. I overreacted. Better?"

He laughs and perks up. "I was just playin' ya. God you really think I took you seriously? Jesus, Geoff," he smirks. I just stare at him, mouth open slightly. I shake my head and turn the ignition.

"God damn asshole."

"That's me!"

"Oh we didn't scare you off?" Jack asks Zack as the two of us walk into the office. Zack shook his head and brought his arm behind his back to grab onto the other arm's elbow. Everyone is in the office except for Michael. Everyone turns towards the door though, smiling.

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