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December 7th, 1976

Remus, Christmas is almost here and that means 1977 is soon. You keep saying that I'll love my present but I hope you don't spend too much money on me. I'd feel horrible if you did.

Alright day 4. I love how you don't let your lycanthropy define you. You know that it's a part of you and it helps shape you, but it's not who you are. You still think you're a monster deep down, but remember it's not your fault. You'll never see this, but I'll write it anyway. You are not a monster. I'll repeat it a thousand times if that's what it takes for you to know that. As long as you know you're so much more than being a werewolf, then that's good. Please remember that. Last night was the full moon and it was bad. James had to carry you on his back into the Hospital Wing. We stayed by your side for hours until you came back to the dorm. And now classes are over. You've been sleeping in your bed with the curtains shut all day. And I'm glad. You shouldn't go to class yet. Shit I went off track. Anyway, I love that you know you're worth and understand you're more than just being a werewolf.


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