Chapter 19

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"You okay?" Scotty said standing over me with her hand out, picking me up off the ground.
"Yeah, I'm good," I said, dusting myself off and bending over to fix my shin guards. I had gone in pretty hard into a tackle against one the other players on the opposing team. We collided pretty hard and both wound up on the ground. The referee had blown the whistle. I'm not sure who fouled whom, but the other girl was still on the ground.
Gabby made her way over to me. She hit the side of my arm. "You good?"
"Yeah." I nodded my head at her.
A couple of my other friends made there way to me as we all got into a quick huddle, and began to talk about the game.
"This team is good," Scotty said.
"Yeah, Number 5 up top is fast as shit," Alexa said, catching her breath.
"You're marking her well, but just in case, Scotty, stay closer to Alexa's side just in case you need to get back and help defend her," I said.
"We need to transition a little quicker," Kayla said.
"I know they are doing a lot of through balls because they have a bunch of fast girls up top," Gabby said.
"We need to start moving the ball a little more and make them work. We are all starting to get tired, having to sprint back and forth. We need to start making the other team work a little more. Let's try to tire them out," I said.
We watched as the other team's coach was helping the other team's player I collided with off of the field. I always felt guilty after injuring someone even if I didn't intentionally mean it.
The referee blew the whistle and said it was going to be a drop ball. He stopped the game for safety reasons to make sure we were both okay, and at the time, it was understandable because neither one of us at the time were getting up off of the ground.
Scotty took the drop ball and the game continued. It was still a tie with six minutes left. None of us wanted to go into overtime. Everyone was giving everything they had, and at this moment all I could do was pray to God that everything we had was enough.
I watched as a girl came from behind, slide tackling Gabby's legs out from under her. Coach Meyers and Coach Hayes screamed at the referee. They were never ones to yell, but the referee had already missed a couple blatant fouls. The referee finally blew the whistle as half the team sprinted to Gabby's side. It took her a minute to catch her breath since she landed on her back pretty hard. She sat up slowly.
"Are you okay?" Kayla asked.
"Yeah, I just need a second," Gabby said. Scotty and I both reached out our arms to help her up. It was a direct kick from about forty yards out from the opposing team's goal. Even though it was direct, the keeper would have a decent amount of time to save the shot, so shooting from this far was probably not the best decision.
"Mag, take it! Everyone get in the box! Gabby you stay back and defend!" I could hear Coach Meyers yelling. We were already in stoppage time and there wasn't even a minute left on the clock when I began to place the ball on the ground. As I started to walk backward to get in position of striking the ball, I began to skim where the best place for me to put the ball was. I wanted to put it as close to the net without risking the keeper coming out, or one of the other team's players clearing the ball out. The ref blew the whistle and it was time for me to take the free kick.
I watched the ball float in the air after leaving my foot, almost like it had been in slow motion. My eyes followed it as it connected with Scotty's foot and then into the back of the net.
Just like that, a scream shrieked out of my mouth, and the sidelines went insane. I could hear horns and loud cheers roaring from the sideline. I sprinted to Scotty who jumped into my arms with her legs wrapped around me. I heard the final whistle blow as I felt Gabby hit my back, screaming and pushing off my shoulders, jumping into the air. Our teammates huddled together in the middle of the field. We were unaware of everything going on around us. It was just us, there in that one moment. Our teammates from the bench came rushing over with Coach Hayes and Coach Meyers leading the way. I could see tears rolling down Scotty's cheeks. She had never been one to cry, in fact, I'm pretty sure she didn't even cry when she broke her nose two years ago. She slowly dropped off of me, still continuing to hug me. Our last game together, her last high school game ever. She scored the winning goal in our state championship game. I couldn't be more proud and happy for her. As soon as she looked at me, those tears streaming down her face, I felt my eyes begin to drown themselves. Tears came pouring out of me while Gabby joined our hug. I loved these girls more than anything. I was so lucky to have them by my side.
I felt two more arms wrapped around my waist it was my younger brother Aiden who made his way through the crowd of people that all ransacked the field in celebration when the final whistle blew. I turned around, giving him my full attention. I squeezed him so tightly. Once he let go, my eyes began to search for my other supporters. I saw Brady's head and took off running.
I saw Brady running towards me as I ran full speed and jumped into his arms. He swung me in circles as my body flailed around. He dropped me on the ground, then my eyes met Liam who had been coming up behind him. I quickly made my way toward him as he got lower for me to collide into his arms. He had the biggest smile on his face. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly as his were around my waist. He lifted me off the ground.
"Congrats, Mas," he whispered softly in my ear. He loosened his grip and my body slid down his.
"Way to go, kiddo!" My dad's voice was in the distance. I peaked my head around Liam and ran to my parents. They threw their arms around me.
"I am so proud of you, honey," my dad said. Those words meant everything to me. My dad had trained me and been the most amazing coach to me all of my life.
"You did it!" my mom yelled, then kissed my forehead as she wrapped her arm around me.
"I need to go find Scotty and Gabby! I love you guys!" I said, turning away running to find them. I saw Scotty and went full force into her. She caught me as I jumped into her arms, squeezing my arms around her head.
"You did amazing! I love you!" I said.
"You gave me the perfect ball, thank you. I love you, sis!" Her voice was still crackally from her crying. Gabby slammed into me.
"Guys, we did it!" she screeched.
"Now you guys have to come to the party," Brady said, making his way closer to us.
"What party?" Gabby asked with her arms around my shoulders hugging me from behind.
I rolled my eyes. "I said if we won I would go to their college party."
"Wow, ballsy move, Mag," Scotty said, laughing with her one arm still around my side.
"Yeah, you have to now," Liam said with a goofy smile.
"You all actually should come," Brady added.
"I'm down! That sounds fun." I could feel Gabby pinch my side from excitement.
"I'll come as long as Jay can tag along." Scotty shrugged her shoulders.
"My lover? Come on, girl, you know you don't even have to ask," Liam replied to her with a huge smirk smothered across his face.
"Do you guys want to meet at our house in an hour, and we can drive up there together?" Brady asked.
"Wait, I forgot I have to be home tomorrow at 12:00. We're doing stuff for my dad's birthday," Gabby sighed.
"That's fine. I can drive us there separately. I think Jay has stuff to do tomorrow," Scotty said.
"You're still staying tomorrow for my game, right?" Brady asked me.
"Yeah, we can hangout, and I'll figure out something for us to do before the game," Liam said to me. I felt my heart begin to race.
"That's fine," I calmly said, trying to keep my voice at ease, but I felt Gabby squeeze my arm.
"So, it's settled, you guys will meet at our house in about an hour. You can just follow us there. Is that okay?" Brady raised his eyebrow to make sure everyone was in agreement.
"Yeah," I said.
Followed by Scotty saying, "Fine by me."
"Me too," Gabby added.
"Alright, well, we'll see you at home. Congrats, Scotty. " Brady hugged Scotty. "Good work, Gabs." Then leaning over me, hugging Gabby and finally giving me a tight squeeze.
"I'm proud of you, sis."
"Thanks, bro," I said with a huge smile.
"Yeah, yeah, good work today, ladies. Good stuff." He gave us a group hug and gave me a little peck of a kiss on the top of my head.
"Can't wait to see my love tonight. Tell Jay to bring his A game," Liam said, a devilish smirk on his face.
"What does that even mean?" Scotty said.
"He'll know," Liam said, followed by a laugh. "Really, though, congrats, girls. See you at home, Mas." He turned, jogging to catch up to Brady.,
"The boy is in love," Scotty said, glancing with a smirk at me.
"Shut up," I said, bumping my shoulder into her's. I was trying so hard not to smile.
"Look, you're blushing. You can't stop smiling," Gabby said as I felt my cheeks flushing with red.
"Guys, he's always been like that to me." I shook my head at them.
"Yeah, cause he's always liked you," Scotty spoke like it was obvious.
I just shook my head. Then we heard Coach Meyers call us all over and made our way to her and the most amazing group of girls I could have asked to play with.

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