Chapter 1-Betrayal

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The skies over the First Realm darkened as Dragon and Oni fought their long war. Locked in battle against a dragon, was an Oni in red. He wore a red gi with dark silver armour. His shoulder pads were black. A black cape flowed in the wind, his horns were red, as was his skin, on his left arm, was a shield. Orange like energy pulsed as he used it to block.

His eyes glowed light yellow as he sliced with his blade, the orange energy like blade cut through the air with ease, taking the dragon's head clean off. He narrowed his eyes as he smirked. "Var Oni!(Attack Oni)" He yelled, charging forward.

He leapt into the air as a red mist followed him, his eyes locked upon his target. Another dragon, one in brown and green, an Earth Dragon. He came down fast, his sword plunging deep into the Dragon's thick scales. He glanced over to see a few of his men get torn to shreds by other Dragons.

He shook his head in disappointment and rushed forward. "Sol Ma Tun?(Who wants some?)" He exclaimed as he gracefully moved across the battlefield. His blade cutting Dragons down to size as he moved. The thrill of the fight fueled him, the excitement gave him a sense of pride. His skill was great, perhaps the best among the Oni themselves. He was rare among his kind. Being the only one left of his great Oni brethren.

He felt the blood of his foes upon his face, the thick crimson colour oozed from the wounds he inflicted.

"Ka Ren Onefhd.(The Red One)" An Oni said, coming to a stop with his axe. His purple eyes resting upon him.

"Lu jauth feija?(What is it?)" He replied, his gaze falling upon the Oni.

"Faht rheid diejr(We are overrun)" The Oni answered, pointing towards a large group of Dragons.

He shook his head and grinned. "Fhiej rhgt ejsfkd.(More to slaughter)" He said darkly, leaping into the air as a blackish red energy glowed around him. He slammed down into the center of a dozen Dragons, his power knocking them all back as he tore through them all. He stood tall as his body shock with raw power, his eyes locked upon the Dragons slowly backing away. "Fhutend fjene diejwn!(Run you cowards)" He yelled, watching as the Dragons took flight.

Another Oni soon came to a stop before him. "Ka Ren Onefhd, Ka Wa'lad's ehfeas ad ienfnsaw wirh djei.(The Red One, The Warlords request an audience with you.)" He said.

He nodded his head, his weapons glow vanishing as they vanished into the hilts. He clipped the sword hilt within his obi and marched forward. "Ka Wa'lad's neuhf awjfhr sjdjwine, efeihfurb.(The Warlords want me now, move.)" He said, pushing Oni out of his way as he marched onwards. Others were wise enough to stand to the side as he moved.


The room was dark as he arrived, his yellow eyes swept the room, searching for the ones who summoned him. "Ve'ned. Fhtuej heuhsjd fjijdrk.(Vengetron. I have arrived.)" He said, eyes narrowed as he heard the sound of weapons.

He reached for his hilt only to be thrown back into the wall. His eyes narrowed as three pairs of yellow eyes glowing brightly in the dark. "Hughbe duhajh ubf tyehsinf?(Why do you attack?)" He asked in confusion.

The three figures slowly emerged. "Var'dence, ithuesdh haefeb befinrjn tiudbf oeijfhr frjis oehfdjf fjrifkliek.(Vendence, you have become too powerful for our liking.)" The lead figure said as his four red arms held four purple swords.

He felt himself get thrown across the room once more as one of them lifted their hand. He grunted and slowly stood, eyes locked with theirs. "Bringtuh ofeej Dounejf iuhjdfhe wihdjfr fehushj eihfjd hijfd ejfd thjehfd jhjed.(Bringer of Doom won't be happy with how you're treating me.)" He said.

The three figures chuckled and held their weapons tightly. "Bringtuh ofeej Dounejf si fjruhsj fjrhj(Bringer of Doom is not here.)" A female voice said.

He got to his feet, only to be met with a blade to his side. "Hufr dhuhe ifruhfjd deijasb oihdf rghdj?(What have I done to you?)" He asked.

"Uhgtjj dehdsjhdu.(You existed)" The four armed male began.

"Fjehjf hejfhud ehjfehs.(You're too powerful)" The other male continued.

"Ghtuhjd thrsjdhf hfurhf frufhjhe.(You threaten our leadership.)" The female finished.

He grunted as he was attacked by the three, he narrowed his eyes and snarled with hatred. "Theuhfj eufhsd fhejshf iehfdfj ejfhdj fhjehfd fjdsh fjdhfj Oni.(Then you have the incurred the wrath of a Fire Oni.)" He spat out, his body glowing with blackish red energy.

The three Oni backed up slightly before they channeled their own power together.

He was sent flying back, he felt his eyes look up as he was overpowered. He could feel the pain. He clenched his teeth and slowly stood up. He eyed the three and then, he chuckled. "Iehfh euhfu huehf bauhef fihfu revefhejhfs.(I will be back for revenge.)" He said before a portal opened behind him. He grinned as he fell back into it. The last thing he saw before he blacked out were the faces of the three Oni Warlords.

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