Breakfast is Heaven

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Author's note~ Sorry about delaying updates I have AP European History and that equals lots of work along with taking up quite a bit of time along with other high school assignments but mostly AP Euro.

When I woke up I could literally smell Heaven, in the form of food. I quickly made my way downstairs and found Richtofen, with his stasi hat on, pulling rolls out of the oven. He had the islander crowded with breakfast that he made. He turned around and smiled at the look of amazement on my face with just a bit of drool coming out of my mouth.

"Guten Morgen, Schatz, I take it you like vhat you see."

I nodded and quickly sat down causing him to chuckle before placing a plate and a glass of milk in front of me. I quickly filled my plate up and started eating.

"I can't tell you the last time I had breakfast, god this stuff is amazing!"

He put his hat over his heart and bowed playfully to me "I only vish to please mein Lieber."

He grabbed a two other plates, loading one for himself, sat them on the islander, and pulled a chair over.

I looked curiously at him "Why is there another plate?"

He gave me a devilish smile and didn't reply. I was about to say something when he came and sat on my lap facing me. I cocked a brow at him then I heard the backdoor open. He took my distraction as a chance to brush his lips against my cheek, making my face go red, before getting off of me just as the door to the laundry room opened revealing Holly and Tank.

"Hey Tess- why is your face red... did I interupt something?"

I blushed even harder as Richtofen started laughing "Nein, nozhing important, anyvays I'm glad you could make it."

Richtofen sat down beside me, but not before handing Holly the third plate. She looked at him odly before sitting down and getting some food.

"Dempshey, how long are you going to stand zhere? Go get a plate." Richtofen said with a grin.

Tank glared at Richtofen before loudly muttering curses towards him and grabbing one.

"Do I look deaf to you, Dempshey?"

"Nah, you look like a dumb, deaf Nazi bastard." Tank replied with a smirk causing Richtofen to clench his fork so hard that it bent.

"I swear to God, if you guys don't knock this shit off I will kick both your asses!" Holly yelled.

We all stared at her with a bit of fear causing her to facepalm. Tank coughed lightly and put some food on it before taking a bite.

"Uh... this is pretty good..." Tank said trying to get rid of the akwardness that manifested in the room.

"Zhank you Dempshey I'll be sure to write zhis down so I may never forget zhis moment." Richtofen chirped with sarcasim in his voice.

Tank opened his mouth to retort, but Holly shoved a sausage in his mouth. Richtofen started laughing until there was a knock on the door.

"Come in." Holly yelled.

We were shocked to see Kelsey there with Nikolai on her tail.

"Nikolai! Oh, how I have missed you!" Richtofen practically squealed.

"Nikolai is not drunk... do not like." Nikolai said picking up one of the sausages.

Kelsey looked at us in despair causing Holly and I to laugh. I got up and went over to the alcohol cabinet where I found an unopened bottle of vodka. As soon as Nikolai saw the liquid in my hands he hurried over to me and tossed me over his shoulder.

"Little girl has vodka, is Nikolai's new friend!"

Richtofen glared at Nikolai "Zhat is enough Kamerade, hand her over."

I felt Nikolai shrug before he plopped me onto Richtofen, and I felt his arms snake around me. Tank let out a scoff and Holly hit him on the arm.

"Poor Dempshey, looks like you're not zhe man of zhe relationship."

Holly sat there thinking before it finally struck her "Hey!"

"Aww, Nikolai want woman too!"

We all watched as Nikolai picked up Kelsey and sat on the floor with her on his lap. Kelsey was trying to escape and looked towards us for help.

"You need to lay off the alcohol." she said covering her nose.

We all stared at her before replying in unison "Good luck with that!"

"I zhink ve should have breakfast more often, ja?"

We all but yelled no to Richtofen.

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