Richtofen You Bastard!

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Would you guys like me to focus on Holly or Kelsey for a chapter?

After everyone left I let out a sigh of relief and turned around only to come face to chest with Richtofen. I was about to question why the heck he was right there, but he hugged me before I could. I honestly thought he was going to kill me or something because this man does not seem like the hugging type!

"I've been zhinking Schatz, if ve vere somehow teleported here zhen ve could just one day vanish, und should zhat happen tomorrow I vant you to know zhat I am grateful for vhat you have done for us."

I smiled and hugged him back "Don't think I would have done for a second this if you weren't from Zombies."

He let out a laugh and let go of me "Gute, I am glad to know zhat you only give special treatments to your favorites."

He laughed again as my face became red remembering the incident with my iPad and it didn't help when he put his hand on my cheek. I looked up at him smirking then his lips crashed into mine for a brief second before he pulled away. I watched as he slowly walked away leaving me in absolute bliss.

The next morning I found him lounging underneath me on my bed. He almost scared me to death when I saw him especially the smirk on his face. I tried to get up, but I quickly learned he had his arms wrapped around me and that he wouldn't let me up.

"I never took you for zhe type to cuddle but I'll go for just about anyzhing." he let out a wolfish smile when my face flushed.

I tried getting up again but this time he rolled over so he was on top of me.

"I don't zhink I'll let you get up right now Liebchen."

"I wanna take a shower though." I whined still trying to get out of the bed.

He gave me a mischevious smile before getting off of me. I gave him the stink eye as I got up, grabbed some clothes, and went into the bathroom. I turned the water and Pandora on and waited until the water was warm before I jumped in. After a while in the shower I turned the water off and opened the curtain. I stepped out and looked for a towel only to find they were all gone and a note was on the rack.

Hallo Schatz, I took the liberty of washing all the towels since they all looked rather dusty and smelt musty. Oh, I'm a poet and didn't know it!

I crushed the paper and threw it in the trashcan thinking of how I was suppost to dry off. I let out a sigh and wrung my hair out to the best of my ability before sitting down along the edge of the bathtub and waiting to air dry. After a few minutes Richtofen literally burst into the bathroom scaring the crap out of me and causing me to fall into the bathtub. He hurried over to me with a smile on his face and picked me up with me blushing and protesting while doing my best to cover myself.

"Relax, I'm a doctor." he said with an insane grin on his face that didn't help matters much.

He threw me on my bed before rushing back into the bathroom and slamming the door.

"Richtofen, what the hell!"

"Sorry Schatz, I really had to use zhe bazhroom." came his muffled reply through the door.

"Richtofen you bastard!" I yelled as I got out another pair of clothes and dressed.

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