awkward 🖤

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The flight had progressed painfully slow and the whole time they were on board Jennie struggled to stay quiet. It wasn't pettiness and she didn't want to seem mean, but she didn't want Y/N to hear her voice.

There was a part of her that didn't want anything to do with Y/N at all, but at the same time she wanted to be with her.

She was also extremely shy at the fact that there was someone that knew about her feelings and didn't say anything for that matter. She was embarrassed.

It also killed her in the inside knowing that her friends probably knew about what was going on. The flight had been long enough to give each of the tired members some sleep time before arriving at their destination.

Jennie felt a huge depth in her heart after what happened, true shame and betrayal by the beautiful illusion she had for herself and the girl that picked her interest. Maybe she had to let go from the thought of having a relationship with a girl, it was downright wrong for a lot of people.

Maybe it was just her trying to experiment, but if things continued to process like this, she much rather stay behind and opt for men.

The flight arrived at its corresponding gate and the girls and staff left as soon as possible. Being in Thailand for the first time really made Lisa a little jumpy and excited, maybe with the promotions Jennie could find some sort of comfort with the girls.

"Jennie, hold up!" A loud cheerful voice sounded out and she looked behind her, Rosé was making her way towards her with a huge smile.

Once she made it next to Jennie, the older lady grinned, "What's wrong?"

Rosé glanced at the woman and said, "I should be the one asking you that, I'm perfectly fine Jennie." Her voice went low to a small whisper, "You're hurting."

Jennie looked ahead, her heartbeat increasing by the minute. "No, I am not."

Rosé gave her a dissapointed look and the shorter woman couldn't help but look away. If she wasn't herself, she would feel disappointed too. The way she was acting right now, hiding away from her friends and the truth.

"I can manage Rosé, plus you shouldn't worry for me. We have promotions." She informed, as if the orange haired girl didn't know already.

"Jennie, seriously. You need to spend more time with us now. Just to take your mind off everything." She said and the older one sighed, "I-"

The glass doors opened and screams of hard-die fans erupted everywhere. Rosé clinged to Jennie while making sure the other didn't get hurt. Lisa and Jisoo where in the very front protected by the body guards making their way to their rented van.

It seemed as if these bodyguards forgot that BLACKPINK was composed of four girls, not just two.

Jennie cringed at the pampering and touches near them, she didn't want to cry out at the proximity from the disrespectful fans. She felt prodding hands on her shoulder and arm, nearly touching her abdomen.

She felt unsafe and claustrophobic, and without a doubt Rosé might be feeling the same way.

Jennie tightened her grip on her younger bandmate's arms, ready for the next touch of their fans, but she felt nothing.

"I really want to get in the car already." Rosé suddenly whispered and Jennie looked down. Both Rosé's arms were occupied with her hips.

Who the hell was defending her left side?

Jennie turned around and her heart skipped a beat and her mouth went dry, it was Y/N.

The foreign girl shielded the girls from the hands and loudly begged the fans to give the girls their well needed space. It was no romantic action, but watching the makeup artist defend her really set her off.

In a good way of course.

She gently grinned as they neared the exit, entered the van and drove away. The makeup artists rode on other seperate vehicles, but that didn't stop Jennie from looking back towards Y/N who was looking back at her as well.

What a coincidence.

Jennie didn't break eye contact until they dissapeared from view, there was something so desirable about the other girl. Not in a sexual way of course, Jennie wasn't in only for that, Y/N radiated something else.

Like protection, comfort, and love.

Falling In Love With You | Jennie KimWhere stories live. Discover now