Chapter 1

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"Give me back my bag" Y/N yelled running at Kash who just took your backpack.

"This isn't funny" Hunter said as you tackled Kash finally getting your bag back.

"Cute" Kash said in a sarcastic voice as he walked away with Henry his friend.

"Its annoying how Kash gets what he wants whenever he wants plus Henry hangs around him ughhhhhhhhhh I'm sure Henry isn't even actually his friend he's just pretending to be"  you  thought in your head as the bell rang saying that the school day was FINALLY over!!!!! 

On the way home you walked with Hunter as you usually did and talked about how Kash was the most awful human to EVER walk planet earth ( and he is!!! ) 

skip time 2 hours

Now your sitting in your bed when you hear a knock at the window of your bedroom and find that its your friend Mckenna, you've known her sense you could remember and have always been great friends with her, even though she went to a different school.

"What are you doing?" You ask her as you open your window.

Mckenna whisper screamed " You know those two kids in your class!"

" I don't quite follow..." You simply reply.

Still whisper screaming a little calmer now she replied " I think there names are Hunter and Kash?"

At Kashs name you gag a little inside and reply with a nod and a so what about them face. 

"There having a full on fist fight down in the park!" she excitedly screeched.

And as you slowly started to frown she asked  " Why the frown I thought you'd be excited!!!

" Mckenna?"

" Yeeessss" she said becoming calmer 

" You know how I said I have another great friend at school?" You asked.

" Ya " She said

" And how there's this awful boy in my class too" You said grabbing your jacket 

Mckenna didn't reply but instead paused.

You continued "That's them fighting each other!!!! Kash the awful boy and Hunter my friend!!!!!"

"Soooo" Mckenna said eagerly 

" Hunter doesn't know how to fight!!!! And in Kash's exact words he wants Hunter dead!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Oh boy" Mckenna replied as you rushed out the window and to the park.

When you show up with Mckenna behind you, Hunters getting his butt kicked as you might of guessed.

So Y/N ran at Kash and you and him were soon fighting instead of Hunter and him. It went back and forth back and forth, one on the ground then the other. 

" You cant fight me" He evilly laughed/ talked.

Then you smacked him across the face and he turned around and grabbed your ponytail yanking it back.  

"Told you" He said with a smile.

But this fight wasn't over. You spit in his face and as he releases your ponytail you kick him in the knee.

Turning around and grabbing Hunter by the arm you walk away screaming to Kash "Who's the tough guy now" Putting a smile across Y/Ns, Hunters, and Mckenna's faces.

The next day 

"It's Friday almost the end of this awful week"  You thought as you got out of bed remembering kicking Kash's butt yesterday.

You walked over to the mirror hanging on your door and decided you'd where a ponytail today like everyday. Then you threw on a plain f/c sweater and some jeans, walked to the kitchen, shoved a pop tart in your bag, and left without saying good morning to anyone. 

You met Hunter outside to go to school but he mentioned stopping at his dads work to grab something. Sense his work was on the way you decided you would go with him and just wait outside. On the way to his work you talked about the fight, homework, and Kash.

" Like did you see the look on his face when you beat him! " Hunter said well both of us were laughing."

You show up at Hunters dads work and he says "I'll be back soon" leaving you outside alone. You decide to look around in the woods next to it and soon find that your lost. 

"Uh oh" You think once you realize you cant get back, but you REALLY think uh oh when a guy pops out of a bush and pulls you into his van.

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