Chapter 1 - stay with me

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Alex POV

i couldn't concentrate. everything was a blur. why? because of all the screaming and shouting. of all the questions everyone was asking. it was all too much for me.

as I got out of the hotel I was staying in, even getting out was hard because of the fact that there are at least 25 people crowding the exit.

the paps were asking loads of questions and shouting things at me in which I didn't even pay attention. most of them were really rude ones that they use to try to make me angry but I kept calm because I was used to this and their words were basically nothing to me.

there were fans wanting to take a picture or an autograph. I took a few until my bodyguard told me that we should go now. I said sorry to those people who didn't get a chance. after that I went down to Starbucks to get a drink, plus that was where my brother, Zayn, was waiting at.

we walked down the road and went to Starbucks. I saw zayn sitting down on a chair at the back and as I called out his name, his head snapped up and he waved at me "Alex, there you are, I've been waiting for ages" he joked walking towards me. "what? I'm only 10 minutes late" I replied with a goofy grin on my face, "well we better get going because we have to meet Niall, Lauren and Camila and Austin". I nodded as a response as I got my drink and went out.

again, the place was crowded especially when zayn was here with me.

paps were yelling at him and asking him about...Harry.

Zayn didn't want to talk about him on what he did 5 years ago. we never speak of him nor think about him. to us, he's nothing.

As we were heading to our limo, something hard hit me in the head and seconds after that I felt dizzy and felt that I was about to faint. as I touched my head I noticed that it was bleeding and then all I remembered was me falling on the concrete and zayn running towards me, calling and shouting my name. "stay. please stay with me!" zayn cried out

after that it all went black.

Charlotte POV

I woke up to my phone ringing on my bedside table. I groaned and answered the call, not bothering checking the caller ID. "hello?" I answered in my morning, raspy voice. "you need to come here immediately." a familiar voice replied.

it took me a couple of seconds of figuring out who it was but I finally got it. Evan. my brother, Nash's best friend. "Evan why are you ca-" he cut me off "you need to come to the hospital right now, Nash was in a really bad car accident just this morning and you need to come. right. now" it sounded as if he was nearly...crying? Evan never cries. Never.

it was early in the morning and I wasn't thinking much. until realisation hit me. my brother. he's just been in a car accident. no no this can't be happening. I have to go now. I went and got my nirvana jumper. I didn't care what I looked like, my brother needed me.

I went on my contact list and dialled Louis, one of my closest friends. it took 3 calls to finally get him to answer and when he did I quickly blurted out "you need to pick me up and drive me to the hospital". at first he was confused so I explained everything to him until I was nearly sobbing.

"hey now calm down, I'll be there in 5, do you know which hospital?" he asked. I nodded even though he can't see me, "yes..yeah I know hurry please" I begged. "I'll be there" and after that he ended the call.

what if Nash doesn't remember anything?

what if Nash will never wake up?

what if Nash doesn't make it?

all of these were going through my head as I was beginning to feel dizzy and I was panicking. I couldn't think. my mind was a mess. everything was blurry and soon as I knew it, I fell on the concrete while I saw a white Audi go towards my direction and a figure went out the car and ran up to me. I can't think properly.

I can't....

I ca...

the last thing that I heard was "stay with me!" someone begged and after that that it all turned black.

Ai ajuns la finalul capitolelor publicate.

⏰ Ultima actualizare: Oct 21, 2014 ⏰

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