Mine[Part 2]

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I couldnt help my smile as his hands were intwined with mine. I wounder about his family. Then hummed a tune,

"What are you thinking about?"

I looked to him, a smile on his lips. I was about to speak until another voice broke through.

"Marinette, Luka?"

We both looked to a lime eyed male with golden hair...Adrien. I smiled at the male.

"Hello Adrien."

I could feel Luka's grip tighten. I gave the hand a light squeeze.

"Are you guys...dating?"

He seemed a little off, his eyes didnt meet mine. It was almost as if I wasn't their.

"That's Mari's decision. I would be honored if she were to accept me. If she didnt like me then I would hope the best for her."

I couldn't help my blush, but Adrien's low growl had me back to reality. I shivered, it wasn't like when Luka growled. It was more...frightening.


We froze then Luka wraped his arm around my waist and ran. I gripped his jacket as we stopped in an alley way. I looked up.

"Luka, I need to go."

With a nod I spoke.

"Tikki Spots On!"

Then smiled and removed his arms.

"Stay safe, I'll be back."

I spun my yo-yo as I slung from roof to roof. My partner Chat met up with me, he spoke a few flirts. Which I declined and defeated the villan.


"Pound it!"

We bumped fist and Chat delt with the citizen, now to Luka.

"Tikki Spots off!"

I let out a sigh as Tikki entered my bag, then Luka ran forward from the alley.

"Are yo-"

I was captured in a hug,

"That was too close Mari."

I let out a sigh and accepted the hug. He's so cold, is it because he's a Vampire?

"I'm sorry, but I had to do it."

He hummed then sighed, we continued on our way until we were at the park. His hands were intwined with mine once more. I giggled at his jokes and smiled when he spoke of a band he wanted to form.

"If you want I can be the designer?"

I couldnt help my giggle as his eyes widened and seemed to spark with excitement. He happily agreed we sat at a bench and continued chatting.

"Marionette, I didnt get to ask you later for the Akuma attack."

We both looked to the golden male. Adrien was back, but...I didnt feel...the emotions. My heart wasnt skipping beats, but I still felt attracted. Whats happening?

"Ask what?"

His eyes darted to Luka then to me. He sighed,

"Adrien, your father wants you."

He looked to Natalie then nodded.

"Excuse me."

After he left I looked to Luka. He was glaring at the male.

"Luka, is something wrong?"

He looked to me and smiled.

"Its not my place to say."

I could only nod .

I had left to go hunting. Mari was on her patrol.

"Hey Snake."

I turned to see the famouse hero Chat Noir, a Vampire who feeds of off humans.

"Yes, Cat."

He growled, lime eyes shifting to red. I know he's Adrien and I dislike that. But its not my room to say he's the other Vampire family.

"She's mine."

I smirked.

"Will see."

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