Mine[Part 1]

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He's a Vampire? I let my eyes widen, ignoring my blush. Wait did he just call me Love? I feel to the floor, steam rushed from my face.

"Marinette, are you okay?"

He muttered a 'whoops,' then crouched down picking me up bridal style.


He chuckled and sat me down on a chair where he had set his jacket. I watched as he finished the spaghetti.

"Can you even eat reagular food?"

He looked over and flashed a toothy smile.

"Of course, you can relax. I know what you are and you know what I am."

I couldn't help but smile and let my eyes fully shift to where my irises were the blue color of my eyes and the rest were gold. I let my tail unwound from my waist and took of my jacket and apron. Streaching my light blue wings. They were small and not fully grown, but they should be the proper size rather soon. I let my ears shift and checked my earings. They were securly stuck to the near tip of my wolf like ears. I then noticed Luka staring with a blush. I let one ear fall to the side of my head, as I looked at him.

"Something wrong?"

He smiled.

"You just look gorgeous."

Whelp I officially stopped working. Goodbye readers, goodbye world.

I turned off the burner and quickly rushed to the blue bell girl. I caught her and held her by the waist. She was a brilliant red and looked up to me, then darted her eyes else where. I furrowed my brow.

"Marinette, who gave you that letter?"

She froze, her ears pinned back as her tail fell to the floor.


She muttered, that fox! I felt my eyes slit as I let out a low growl. Mari leaned in rested her head at my chest. My anger quickly went away, I looked down and sighed. Better tell her I know she's Ladybug.

"And Marinette."

She hummed and I continued.

"I-I know your Ladybug."

She looked up at me with wide eyes. Her ears flew up as her tail tucked between her legs. Her light blue feathers ruffled just a tad.


I smiled sheepishly.

"I went hunting yesterday and found your scent while wandering around...and found out your Ladybug."

She looked confused.

"Let me explain, Vampires can steal energy from food, bu eating it. But for a proper diet you need some form of blood. Their's a forest a little out their and me and Jeuleka take turns on who hunts first. We switch turns and she had the first hour so I had second and just decided to wander."

"But that doesn't explain how you know it was me?"

She didn't denie it.

"Don't take this the wrong way, but you are the best smelling person I have met my whole life."

She blushed lightly then spoke.

"You won't eat me...will you?"

I shrugged.

"Not unless you want me too. But keep in mind for a Vampire that means claiming...so be aware of that."

We both blushed at that, then I released her. She finished the food and we got our spaghetti.

"Oh, Tikki. You can come out, it's okay!"

She yelled up the stair, we sat on the couch with bowls as a small red creature floated down and hugged the girl. She then sat the spaghetti on the table and grabbed the remote and looked to me.

"Movie and he knows who we are Tikki."

"I heard, oh and Im a Kwammi! Nice to meet you Luka!"

I smiled and looked to Marinette who held up a few movies.

"Beauty and the Beast?"

Her eyes lit up as she nodded, I chuckled as Tikki shook her head.


I yawned, only to open my eyes to a sleeping bluenette. Wait, well crap. We fell asleep. I checked my pocket and looked at my phone. 5 missed calls from mom and a text from Jeuleka. I opened my phone and read the text.

Don't worry, everything is fine now. I explained to Mom you went to a friend's house and must of fell asleep.

I texted a quick 'thank you' then stared down at the girl. I could feel her tail, that was wrapped around my leg. But damn she lools cute. Her lips were parted along with her goregeous deep blue ears fell down. Twitching ever so slightly, her wings laid over both of us. Acting as a blanket, I began to gently run my fingers over the feathers. Their soft, really soft. I smiled, then my stomach growled. Right, I didn't get blood last night. I shrugged it off and continued running my fingers down the soft feathers. She stirred, causing me to stop. A hum fell from her rose colored lips as she opened her golden eyes. She pressed against my chest as she sat up. Then turned red and stuttered. I chuckled at her cuteness.


She stopped then did a smile.

"How about the park?"

She did a nod and slid off of me. The warmth she left now gone. I frowned slightly at the loss of contact. Then she did a turn and smiled.

"I'll be right back."

I nodded as she raced up the stairs. I chuckled as my phone buzzed again.

No problem, just don't eat her

I blushed at her statement and put the phone away. Then I heard Mari walk down. She smiled, she wore some faded blue jeans with a white off the shoulder blouse. It had small ruffles, and she wore some black and white converse to go with. She was fidling with her hair. I chuckled as I walked over and gently pulled the pigtails out. She blushed at my actions as I smiled and handed her the ponytails.

"I do love you with cute pigtails. But, I would really love to see your hair down."

Her blush deepened as she nodded. I grabbed my jacket as we left to the park.

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