"Aargh!" a frustrated groan slipped from his lips. He sat on the floor and rested his back on the wall.

"No! No! How can I survive here? Look! Just look at all this" she whined and pointed at the brushes, mops and buckets. "All the equipment used to clean both the dirtiest and neatest place in this hotel are here". She pursed her lips and a pained look settled on her face.

"Oh my gosh! I see the walls closing on me. I feel suffocated" she yelled in a panicky voice. She hit the door rapidly and screamed, "Help! Help!"

Kelvin's brows snapped together. "Stop that! You need to calm down!" he raged.

"And why should I? A true beauty like mine, shouldn't come in contact with contaminated items," she yelled. Something happened that baffled her. Kelvin just shrugged and looked down with a weary and sad look.

Was this what Oscar was complaining about? she wondered.

Truly, he seemed shattered. He looked too gloomy.

Hmmm....I thought he is meant be a man not a baby. I guess my slap had messed with some brain cell!

"I think you should just calm down. I think all this is Oscar's plan to get us to make up," he scowled and sat with an unenthusiastic slouch.

It all made sense to Theresa.
Why would Thelma spend time talking to Oscar? Obviously, to create a plan!

She nodded her head and drew in a long breathe through her nostril. She went to a nice spot, took a handkerchief, laid it on the floor and sat down on it.

"Hmm...I wanted to say sorry for all that happened last time," Kelvin's voice came out weak and throaty.

His apology was like a slap to Theresa's conscience. Her heart thrummed of guilt. She gave a tight smile and nodded. "No problem! I think I had settle the situation with those slaps. You know, I am not an ordinary kind of woman you can just kiss. That's why I reacted like that but it is still good you apologized," she said and flipped her hair away from her shoulder.

There is no way I will apologize to you, Kelvin.

Her eyes darted around the small room. She cringed. There was just a little window for ventilation. She couldn't survive in such a place.


"Oscar, should we check on them?" Thelma asked as she paced back and forth.

"Don't worry. I just want them to settle and become friends" Oscar replied and stared at the door of the Janitor's closet from a distance.

"But...But my sister can't handle being locked in a little room without a window. She might loose her mind".

"Okay, I think they would have at least talked"

They went to the door and opened it. Kelvin stood up and shook his head. "I knew it was your plan all along".

Theresa got to her feet and glared at Thelma. Thelma's head dropped.

"So, did our plan work? Are you friends now?" Oscar  asked.

"I apologized if that's what you want to hear," Kelvin replied and gnashed his teeth.

Thelma and Oscar stared at Theresa.

"What?" she asked. She felt the guilt but shoved it aside.

"Okay, I have another plan," Oscar declared.

"What plan?" Thelma glanced at him and quirked a brow.

"Theresa, your reaction to Kelvin's kiss actually ruined his reputation. How about you attend a party with him....to...to...to save and get him a good reputation by being his date?" Oscar's asked and his penetrating gaze probed.

Theresa coughed all of a sudden. She cleared her throat and inquired, "Did I hear you well?"

Oscar nodded and fixed his gaze on her. "Do you agree?"

"Nope!" Theresa hissed.

"Theresa, come on. Don't you feel guilty?" Thelma asked.

"Why should I? He kissed me without my permission. That's like sexual harassment!" she fumed.

"But he apologized!" Thelma insisted.

Theresa rolled her eyes. "Okay! Since I know how horrible it is to lose a great reputation, I...so..... " she trailed off.

"So?" Thelma's eyes gleamed of hope.

"Alright!" she groaned "I will do it".

"Kelvin, what about you?" Thelma asked.

"Sure! Whatever," he replied with a look devoid of emotion and departed.

"Kelvin is an enthusiastic character. He might be a jerk sometimes but he is friendly. We really need to get him back on track," Oscar muttered and buried his fingers in his blonde hair. He waved goodbye to the girls and ran after Kelvin.

"I think you and Kelvin would be good friends if you can just forget about that incident," Thelma added.

Theresa rose an eyebrow at her. "Oh really?" she asked in an acidic tone.

  ~~~Author's note~~~

Can Kelvin and Theresa's relationship ever be amended? Could they ever be called friends?

Thanks for reading. I hope you enjoyed it. Pls don't forget to vote and comment. Thanks a lot. ❤❤💖💖😅😆😄😁

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