Chapter one

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In Auradon

"Mom come on I didn't mean it"

"Bella you almost hit your brother on the head with a book" Belle the wife of the beast and king and also mother of Ben and Bella Ironic insist yells at her daughter

"Maybe he shouldn't have been making out with Mal while we we're "studying" I point at Ben who yes is a year older than her


Ben and Bella where at the library with Mal aka miss Ben girlfriend while studying Ben and Mal couldn't stop kissing each other and it was getting on Bella last Nevers 'i swear one more time and this book is going straight to his head' Bella thought and then hit the tip of the iceberg when they started making out Infront of her "That's IT" Bella yelled which grabs the book she trew at Ben, he dogged it and it hit Carlos instead "oh shit Bella Damn you trew like a pro girl" Ice said proudly as he saw with Flare and Eleanor which made the Vks and Ben look at Bella viciously 'Oh Hell'

End of


"it doesn't give you the excuse to do a back thing like throw a book at your own brother" mother exclaimed

"Eshhh just tell what my punishment is so we can get this over with" Bella said as she crossed her arms

"You will be helping the fairy godmother in her duties" Belle said

"Whatever" Bella as she walked away from her mom and brother

She walked up to her room and texted her three best friends







Sorry guys can't go out


What Bella this party we been talking for a week


Yeah bells seriously you can't flinch out now


Yeah bells that's soo reeked


Blame my brother he snitch to my mom about the whole book accident


That whole thing oh come on dude it was accidental


Yeah he shouldn't have been so kissy kissy with royal purple head




Well have fun without me see ya at school tomorrow



I stopped text my friends and got up and ready for bed but I looked over at the isle 'i wonder who life at the isle would be if me and my best friends ruled it' I thought "maybe one day we will go and have some fun" I said in a whisper before getting into bed and went to sleep.

Bad princess meet Bad HookNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ