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"Y/n" i heard someone hum. "Y/n wakey wakey." Slowly i opened my tightly shut eyes.
"Dinner is here if you want it." I saw Woojin place a plate at the foot of my bed. He smiled at me, then left the room.
"Channie!" I called out. I could here all of the boys in the lounge, so i knew he would be there.
"Coming baby." He replied. He appeared in he compartment opening. "What do you need, princess?"
"Sit with me?"
"Of course." He climbed onto the bed next to me. Instantly, i flung my arms around him.
"Eat first." He told me. Following his instructions, i reached for my plate of food. It took me five minutes to finish my dinner, then i returned to hugging him.
"I don't remember falling asleep." I told him.
"Well, Jisung and Minho were in charge of directions on the way back and so we got lost- or as Woojin put it, we took the long way home." He informed me. "You fell asleep on the way and so i brought you inside and tucked you into bed."
Sweetly, i placed a kiss on his lips.
"Thank you Channie." I mumbled. "Will you stay with me?" I asked, falling back onto my pillow. He nodded and laid down beside me. I shuffled closer and he held me close with his arms around my waist. I cupped his face in my hands, stroking his smooth cheek with my thumb.
"You're so cute Channie." I admired his features. His brown hair fell messily over his forehead. His warm brown eyes and his plump, pink lips that i pecked lightly. When he smiled, he had dimples which just increased his adorable nature.
"I love you." I said, kissing his nose gently. He let out a small chuckle.
"I love you more y/n" he replied, rubbing his hand along the small of my back.
"No i love you more." I argued, starting to yawn.
"I love you more and we will continue this argument in the morning." He told me, planting a kiss on my forehead and then my lips.

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