Day11 - part2

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We decided to spend the rest of the day at the beach. We went to a small, practically empty bay that wasn't too far from town. I had set up a towel near the wall for me to sit and read against. I left a space next to me for Chan to sit on, which he did. I leant back onto the hard, stone wall and began to read.
After a few chapter, i got bored and swapped to listen to my music. I laid back and closed my eyes, allowing my skin to soak up the warm sunlight. Every so often that warmth would be swept away with a gush of wind but then settle back onto the sandy beach.
My music got quieter, when someone removed one of my headphones.
"Chan what do you want?" I looked up at the handsome boy sat beside me.
"I'm bored." He said, staring back at me. His hair was beginning to grow longer, so it flopped over his face in a cute fashion, with its natural waves shaping it nicely.
"And what would you like to do?" I asked him, pausing my playlist and removing the other headphone.
"Cuddle my hot girlfriend." He replied.
"What if I'm cold?" I asked sarcastically.
"All the more reason to cuddle." He smiled, his dimples appearing and making him ten times cuter.
"Goo point." I said, opening my arms for him to cuddle me.
"No," he pouted. "I want to have you on my lap." He told me. I did as he said and sat on his crossed legs, facing him.
"Anything else, Christopher?" I rested my arms over his shoulders, my legs wrapping around him.
"No that's perfect." He replied, his hands holding my back and pulling my body closer, until there was no space between us. I let my head rest on my arm, which was still over his shoulder, and placed sweet kisses on his cheek.
"Love you Channie." I hummed contently as he kissed my shoulder.
"Love you too princess."

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