Prepare for Embarrassment

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Third Person

Gracelynn is a typical 2014 teenager in that she is obsessed with One Direction. The only problem? It's 2019 and all of the One Direction members are on their own now. Tonight, Harry Styles has a concert, so obviously, Grace is going. Grace, being 22, lives alone, but has and imaginary dog named Rose. 


I wish Mum was here to see me, but she is in America. Beep Beep. 

?- Are you ready for tonight?

G- Who are you?

?- Sorry, wrong number. Goodbye!

G- Wait, my name is Grace, what's yours?

?- Liam. Nice to meet you, but I must go.

G- Bye Liam!

L- Bye Grace!

This Liam fellow seems nice, but also seems busy. Oh well, I have a Harry Styles' concert to get to.

I run outside to my cab, yelling "Bye Rose!" behind me so people don't know I live alone. Checking my clear bag for my phone, house key, ticket and money, I tell the driver to take me to the 02 arena, where the concert is.

Paying the cab driver, I race to the line and show the guards my ticket, go through the metal detectors, and go into the arena. My seat is near the back, seeing as my 'Fun Things' budget was really low. I sink into my seat and prepare for the show.

"Hello, excuse me, um, here!" A young man, maybe a year or so older than me, sits down beside me. I wave and he waves back. 

"Hello sir, what's your name? Mine is Grace." The young man smiles at me and holds out his hand.

"Liam. Please excuse me, I must text my friend that I got here ok." Liam pulls out his phone, and coincidentally, my phone buzzes a moment later.

L- hey, I just met someone with the same name as you.

G- Look to your left.

I smiled at Liam and he removed his glasses, reading the text. He looked at me and I smiled back, right as I realized something. I met Liam. In the audience of a Harry Styles' concert. "Are you by any chance Liam Payne?" I saw Liam's eyes widen before he put his index finger to his mouth, telling me not to scream. I nod and he texts me.

L- Caught!

G- Well, this is cool. 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 10, 2019 ⏰

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