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"A Luthers godchild and a supers niece? How perfect!" I hear a unfamiliar voice chime. My head spins and my body aches. "Ohhh Scarlett?" the same voice teases, I open my eyes frantically looking around an unfamiliar room. "W-who a-are you?" I ask looking at a man. I notice my arms tied behind my back and my legs roped to a post behind me. "What's the fun in knowing my name?" He states, I snap my head back at him causing my ponytail to smack against my face. "I don't know how I got here or who you are, but my family will find me. and when they do, you will wish you were dead." I hiss trying to make my voice seem stronger than I feel. "Oh, you mean your aunt...Kara Danvers... or should I say Supergirl?" I gasp now realizing this situation is much worse than I thought.

I remember the stories my mother told me about being kidnapped by a man who attended her school. She was targeted because she was Supergirls sister. She was drugged and left in a tank which filled up with water over a span of four hours. The water reached the top and she began to drown, but Kara and Maggie found her just in the nick of time and saved her. "Don't be so clueless kid," he warns "IF Kara Danvers where to ever find you, which I doubt, I know her weakness." He says twirling a metal pole around. My muscles tense up as I watch his actions closely. "But if you die... that would bring both the Luthor and the Super to their knees." He says before slamming the metal pole against my shin. I scream in pain, I try and fight this ropes with my arms but nothing gives, a single tear falls down my cheek. I try and catch my breath as my leg throbs in pain. "Oh, did that hurt you?" the mystery man teases, I stare him right in his eyes and bite my lip to stop myself from screaming. I feel so weak, but I continue to sit up tall and wear a strong look on my face. "Awe you must miss your mommy's huh?" He teases once more, I ignore his words. "But wait... they aren't even your real moms!" He says again with an awful laugh, my blood is boiling. "You're just the druggy they picked up off the side of the street"He yells, before I can say anything he slams his strong fist into my face. I feel a black eye forming already as I do everything I can not to lose consciousness.

My Daughter // Sanvers auWhere stories live. Discover now