Chapter 4: Chat Blanc

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"Marinette you need to transform," Tikki whispered hiding inside of Mari's bag "I can't Tikki if he sees me transform Hawkmoth will know my true identity," Marinette said trying her best to whisper but it seemed that Cat Noir had heard her anyway. "Where are you hiding milady, you're definitely good at hiding but you can't get away from me," 'I have to get out of here,' Marinette thought to herself. "Tikki distract him," Marinette ordered and Tikki obeyed flying around Chat Blanc's head like a noisy bug, "get away from me you nasty bug," Chat Blanc said trying to swat Tikki away but kept missing "that's it, Cataylsum!" he yelled destroying all of the objects around him in fear Tikki fled back to her owner who hadn't gotten far "he's coming this way Marinette," Tikki cautioned "I just want to save him, Tikki spots on!" Marinette yelled changing back into Ladybug 'the akuma must be in either his staff or ring but I can't destroy either of those without his Cataylusm,' Ladybug thought to herself as her akumatized partner finally caught up with her "your very clever milady but you can't get away from me," Chat Blanc said giving her an evil smirk "you know I don't want to hurt Cat Noir, your stronger than the akuma you can fight it off." Ladybug said spinning her yo-yo "I am not Cat Noir my name is Chat Blanc and if you won't give me your Miracolus willing I'll have to take it by force." He declared attempting to attack her with his staff and claws, she avoided most of his attacks but due to her fatigue and heartbreak she couldn't fight back,  "I wouldn't have to be doing this if you just behave! " he yelled grabbing both of her arms and throwing her against a wall, the attack almost knocked her out and she could tell that she had broken something in her back. She slowly got up and fought back, using her yo-yo she tied him up and brought him closer to make sure he was listening "listen to me,  right now your under Hawkmoth's control that's why your attacking me but I know you don't want to hurt anyone, you're a hero Cat Noir. " She said trying desperately to reach her Kitty, he struggled but he refused to listen "no your wrong I will hunt down anyone who hurts you, " he declared "but your the one hurting me Cat Noir, " she said getting closer to his face, he backed away thinking she was trying to take off his mask "if you love me Cat Noir stop breaking my heart and come back to me, please kitty I need you. " And than she did something very smart but also very dangerous, she kissed him with all the passion she had inside of her not caring who saw or if anyone got the wrong idea,

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