020 • It's not gay if you have socks on

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×Sexual Activity. No, not smut. Half smut? Smut makes me uncomfortable. Sorry- I can try it if im convinced enough. I'll put a warning for people who are uncomfortable with sexual activity. I'll simply mark it with '×××'.×

×FYI, everyone here is around like, 18-20 Silence. IllITerAtE ChILdrEn. I'm joking I love you all. Also, the chapters will be undergoing minor editing.×

"Wowie, is this your apartment? It's so bland Shumai~"

Kokichis childish voice curled into the detectives ears as he flickered the lights on, his grey glance moving towards the purple haired boy pouncing around the apartment. "..you've been here before" Shumai simply stated, quirking an eyebrow up as the boy glanced back over in confusion.

"What? No I haven't. No clue what you mean. I have never ever seen your apartment before. Nope, not at all!" Kokichi grinned at his lie, his glance shifting to the TV screen- which was currently on a crime show.

It was most obvious that Kokichi was purposely sucking at lying.

Shuichi exhaled a breath, shifting his hat from his crown of navy blue hair, hanging it tenderly on the hook. Proceeding to slip his shoes off, shuichi planted his hand on the wall for support.

Kokichi planted himself on the couch, shifting his flowing cape of off his body. Dropping it down in a heap on the ground, his glance shifted up to the detective, sock footed, as he shifted to the open kitchen.

Shuichi searched through the cupboards for a suitable snack- the hospital food wasn't in his liking. Simply deciding to go with dumplings, shuichi grabbed the half full packet of aforementioned foods.

"Kokichi, do you want some dumplings?" Shuichi called out, shifting up a pan and placing it on the bench. Tipping water into the pot, shuichi turned the stove-top around 260 degrees.

"Dumplings? Yes please~!" Kokichi shrilled out, criss-crossing his legs as he comfortably leaned back in the detectives couch. A legendary serial killer known as genocide jack, has been alleged of killing multiple people once more. Stringing their bodies up like pinatas, and leaving them displayed for everyone to see. How brutal. Kokichi clasped his hands together, his head shifting to an angle as he watched.

after a while of doing so, a teasing arouma whifted across kokichis nose, his attention becoming drawn to the kitchen. Shuichi shifted forward- a clean plate of dumplings in either hand. "I- hope this is alright" The detective stated, handing the beaming boy the plate of hot food.

Kokichi cupped the plate, staring at the steaming food. Man- it smelt appetizing. Better than what he could cook. "Did you cook this Saihara~chan~?" Kokichi questioned, shifting his glance towards the male.

Shuichi glanced towards Kokichi, skillfully acquiring the chopsticks in his dominating hand. "I mean, Yeah. It's- not good but it's better than hospital food. I learnt from my uncle" Shuichi stated, shrugging as he picked up a dumpling.

Kokichi watched the boys expression shift into a sorrowed one, before composing itself at the mention of his uncle. Did he die?

Kokichi decided not to pressure the male, picking up the chopsticks. Staring at the wooden sticks, Kokichi gave a small hum. Dropping one down, shuichi slid a side glance towards the male at the sudden platter.

Kokichi proceeded to stab the chopstick into the top of one of the dumplings, clanking against the plate.

Shuichi nearly choked on his mouthful as Kokichi did this, bringing the dumpling up to his mouth, and eating it whole. After a moment of silence and kokichis hand poised under the single chopstick and his mouth, the criminal gave out a small hum of pleasure.

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