Chapter 4

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Hope you are all enjoying the story so far which has already gained a place on the historical fiction list! Love you all so very much!

Chapter 4

The sky sprang to life as the morning sun drove away the darkness of the night and commenced the dawn of a new day. Braddock manor and its occupants had yet to stir, undisturbed by the hustle and bustle that grew with every movement of the sun.

A long slender hand wrapped itself around the small frame of Jendayi still stuck in a deep sleep. Without care the hands violently shook her until her heavy eyelids began to open.

Jendayi reluctantly opened her eyes to be greeted with the view of a grinning Lehana, who was much too happy to be awake so early in the dawn. With a groan Jendayi sunk further into her bed, just wishing it would swallow her whole and take her to another place.

The smile on Lehana’s face slipped away as she grunted before hauling Jendayi of the bed and onto the floor, which Jendayi had no problem continuing to sleep on.

“Are you in hibernation?!” Lehana forced, placing her hands on her hips.

“Yes.” Jendayi grumbled in return, unable to detach herself from the floor.

“Jendayi, will you please get up?” Lehana asked, her voice becoming stern.

Jendayi sighed, knowing that Lehana was not asking, but rather telling her to get up. Having no choice Jendayi slowly but eventually lifted herself to her feet. Swaying slightly from the tiredness that overtook her.

Lehana offered Jendayi a comforting arm across her shoulder and a small smile.

“You’ll get used to the early mornings.” She cooed, leading Jendayi by the hand out of the small box she bunked in, “To be honest, I’m even surprised you could sleep through all this noise.”

Jendayi then realised that the hallways were overcrowded with slaves, some socialising, others in a hurry to get jobs done. She carefully took in the scene around her. It was nothing like the rumours she had heard.

Many of the slaves from the auction house had been passed from owner to owner, experiencing different living conditions. From what she had heard, it was said the slaves were brutally beaten and starved, never taken care of, and disposed regularly. That was not the case here at Braddock manor. Everyone seemed – content. She could not comprehend how anyone would be content with being enslaved, but it seemed like the majority of the slaves had decided it was better to be enslaved in comfort rather than rotting in the ground.

She had a churning feeling that she had gotten incredibly lucky being bought by Sir Thomas, although her stubborn mind told her differently. As long as she didn’t have to come into regular contact with him, she could possibly live here in decent conditions.

Lehana watched Jendayi curiously, understanding almost perfectly what was going through her mind.

“Mr Ashford, the Lord of the manor, sees more profit in us alive and healthy rather than dead and rotting.” Lehana said, bringing both her thoughts and Jendayi’s into words.

Jendayi stayed silent, lost in thought as she followed Lehana through the maze of corridors.

“Years ago he would lose thousands because the slaves he purchased became too weak to work or died in the fields, it made no sense to him to buy so many just to have them die and be replaced.” Lehana continued.

“But still do not push your luck Jendayi, it’s the prospect of more money which keeps us alive another day to wish for freedom. They do not actually care for us.”

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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