●2 -> Rainy arrival

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The earth slipped under her feet, she was out of breath and began to be tired but she had to travel only 500 meters and had to run, she felt that it was the right thing to do, the sign said so too, already ... the disturbing sign. She heard a roar break into the gray sky, she could barely see it due to the density of the bush, it was about to rain, she gathered her strength and kept running with broken breath and her eyes fixed on the dirt road she was following.
The drops of rain slipped everywhere, a few minutes passed and she was completely soaked, the pitch black hair surrounded her face, they were broken and the bangs had taken a completely out of the ordinary fold, almost totally covering her right eye, not the she cared, she kept running, she was sure of what she had heard a few moments before and she didn't like it, she didn't like it at all.
One last sign:
"A few more meters! Here we are! Clammy is waiting for you!"

《Sssswwwwaaaaahhh》 a cry in the distance, it looked like a cry of pain and frustration, she wasn't sure this time, luckily the noise came from afar, this calmed her for a moment, just for a moment because a second later she was picking up all the forces that were left to make one final shot.
The rain had increased, the eyes of an intense green shone so much that they looked like two emeralds, the pupils were dilated, she had had an adrenaline rush, she had made it!
"Welcome to Clammy!"
Finally a proper writing, without strange slogans or disturbing warnings. She was out of the forest, finally ... she breathed in fits and starts, the effort was short but very intense, she pulled back her hair, then wiped her wet hands on her jeans, in turn soaked with rain and sweat. "What the hell was that? What the hell ... maybe at the beginning it could even be some strange animal, but then ... no, no and then no! Don't be stupid Mila ... it wasn't a scream what you heard ... it is only suggestion ... only suggestion. "
She was still out of breath but too many questions were going through her mind, she had no answers and moreover she was soaked, she was starting to feel cold, the sweat was drying on her.
"If I don't get a bronchopneumonia this time I don't know when really"
she thought with a smile, the idea of ​​a bronchopneumonia was still much more inviting than staying in that bush or worse still losing herself in there, she didn't even want to think about it, even for a moment of second that nightmare flashed through her head.
There was a bit of fog but it wasn't as thick as in the bush, you could see the road well, the place was the same as it was years ago, she remembered it just like that: sad, bare with some broken branches along the road and the faded houses covered with a greyish or antique pink plaster almost completely crumbled by humidity.

There was a bit of fog but it wasn't as thick as in the bush, you could see the road well, the place was the same as it was years ago, she remembered it just like that: sad, bare with some broken branches along the road and the faded houses covere...

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《Who is there?》A sharp, deep voice caught Mila's attention, she could not understand where it came from, she continued to walk on the paved road with quick steps, a figure in the distance began to take shape, a little the fog and a little the rain did not certainly helped to have a perfect view. A man, he was certainly a man, had a narrow waist and very broad shoulders, he could be called a big man, his voice was hoarse and at the same time deep.
《I said who is there !? I won't repeat it a third time!》
Mila lowered her gaze, could see that brute better, jumped and stopped suddenly, the man had a rifle and was bringing it to his face to aim.
《Stop! Stop! For goodness sake! Don't shoot!》

 《Stop! Stop! For goodness sake! Don't shoot!》

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《Ok ... ok ... approach slowly and with your hands in plain view!》Again a roar came from the mass of muscles that had settled in front of her.
《Okay! Here I put my hands up ...》 Mila raised her hands, lay them on as if she were about to push someone, showed her palms and spread her fingers as much as she could, staggered as she advanced, stood trembling, she was cold and above all she was afraid.

Finally she managed to clearly distinguish the gigantic figure that blocked her way, he was not a man, he was a boy, his face was certainly that of a boy, he had no beard, his features were soft and sweet, his cobalt blue eyes stood out in the fog, the lashes were soaked with droplets of rain, the ash-blond hair fell in small curls on his forehead, he too was completely soaked. Mila knew it was a wrong thought and certainly the least appropriate of all time in that situation but the first words that flashed through her mind were:
"He's so damn attractive ..." They both remained silent for a few moments, still, motionless, one in front of the other. The boy was still holding the rifle in his hand, holding it pointed at the girl, his eyes were puzzled, he looked at her carefully, he cleared his throat. 《What's your name?》
《Well ... Mila ... what are you doing for Clammy's woods alone?》
《It's a long story ... are you going to shoot me?》the girl asked hesitantly.
《No, don't worry ... you passed the test ...》the boy answered with that voice that seemed to grow deeper with each word he spokewhile, he lowered his rifle. 《Which test?》
《You are too vigilant, you do not make strange movements, in short ... you are well, apart from a slight breath and dilated pupils ...》
《Excuse me and who would you be? "The guardian of the city?" 》Mila asked in a sarcastic tone.
《If you want to call me that ... they pay me to watch this place. The boy was extremely serious, no sarcasm or joke, Mila felt stupid, in the meanwhile, luckily she had begun to breathe again with a rhythm that was more and more close to the norm.
《Why do they pay you to monitor this place? Nothing ever happens here ...》
《Well lately it's not like that! Strange things happen, something happens to Clammy ...》
《What kind of things?》 《Listen, I can't talk about it, my father is a police commissioner, he's already doing some investigations, there's nothing certain yet, nothing that can be talked about, you just know that unexpected events happen ... now you know it too, so pay attention!》
《Pay attention to what? You don't help me at all in this way!》
《I have to go!》
《Can I at least know your name?》
《 My name is Blake.》 they were the last words of the boy who soon disappeared with quick steps in the fog.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2019 ⏰

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