9. I have a GodFather?

Start from the beginning

For now, Neel... " his head turned towards me,"... I think you should go in the forge and take out the weapon which chose you."

"Hey, guys I really didn't have any strange weapon-using sessions before. I have said that before. I really have no idea how I did that or why everything happens around me. It just does." I gave my explanation but I think it was useless. 

"You still will have to go." said Karan and Chitrakshi, united. 

Karan and Chitrakshi pushed me towards the entrance of the forge. 

"BETRAYAL!" I shouted. 

"Neel !Neel! Neel!.." 

The crowd started cheering and with this sound in my ears, I headed in the forge- alone, unknown about what the hell in the world was there.

Another SaptaFact! The forge was hot! I mean, LITERALLY! 

On my way through the forge, I saw many things (some quite nasty ones). Everything was there - broken helmets, bent swords, twisted bows, and tattered jeans. 

On a wall, something was written

ilmade harmabz emakz emalz emajz aktemass uchmakz ahimanz
ahimavz achegamabs omajz hoothamajs aimahs ahimanz
garmaai absemass achamaae emalz ayemagz
ohmats akimabz aabmasz hodmacz ayemagz
omalz astramaai amayz hastramase
yokimaks ummats omahz hattimabz emamz

 I rubbed my hands on the wall, dust stuck to my hands but I was unable to read it. 

ZIGGY, can you read it? 

But the reply I got was of a female voice-

The person you are trying to reach is currently busy. Please try again later. 

ZIGGY sucks at helping me when I REALLY need his help. And this proof proves that he is really a Dorphus. 

Hence Proved! 

From outside, I thought that the bunker would be small, tiny small, but actually it was big. And long, and hot. I walked continuously for an hour or so, I was stinking in sweat and to be honest, I smelled bad. Still the path didn't end. 

After some walking, I noticed that I was back at the very starting broken helmets and all that stuff. I was getting exhausted. There was no end to this bunker and I already had a nice bath of sweat. 

I lifted the bent sword, bent it a little more, placed it on the floor and put a shield over it. My chair was ready. 

And that was the point when I noticed something. 

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