Apparently though, this girl was not to be taken for granted.

Pursing her lips thoughtfully, with her eyebrows furrowed, she said, "Well...well, Draco," and Draco snorted when she called him by his given name, "I dare kiss..." Here she paused, and glanced at Harry, who was certain he was plainly showing how much he didn't want to be involved in this dare. Hannah sighed and shook her blond curls slightly. " that's not what I want to do. Draco, I dare you to French kiss Harry again, but you both have to be shirtless."

There was immediate protesting from both boys.

"That's not fair!" Harry cried. "It's his dare, not mine, you can't tell me to take my shirt off!" Hannah cocked her head to the side, thinking this over.

"That is a valid point," Parvati spoke up. "Is she allowed to do that?"

"No, no she absolutely is not allowed to do that," Draco broke in, scowling. "I refuse to partake in such a thing."

"You don't have a choice, Malfoy, it's Harry we're discussing," Parvati snapped back. Draco crossed his arms grumpily, sneer still in place.

"Well, let's see," Pansy murmured, resting her chin on her hand and looking bored. "We're playing truth or dare, right? And the dare is for Draco and Potter to kiss shirtless. I say it's valid. Doesn't matter if it's Potter you're daring or not, he's involved in the dare itself."

"No!" Harry shouted.

"Works for me," Parvati grinned, sharing a look with Lavender.

"No, no, no! That's not how it works!"

"Alright then, the dare is as stands. I dare Draco and Harry to French kiss without their shirts on," Hannah declared, smiling happily.

"I'm not doing it!"

"Oh, shut the bloody fuck up, Potter!" Draco all but snarled.

"Why don't you make-" Harry clamped a hand over his mouth before the rest of that sentence could make its way out, but Draco smirked at him anyway.

"You don't have to hide it, Potter, everyone knows you actually enjoy snogging me."

"Yeah, about as much I enjoyed fighting that basilisk."

"Dare time!" Hannah interrupted shrilly. And it was about then that Harry decided he didn't think Hannah Abbot was cute anymore.

* * *

It was frightfully embarrassing having to work your way through all the buttons on your shirt with about twenty-five other people looking on. Harry's fingers shook and he hastily undid his shirt, nearly ripping off his tie in the process. Draco took things at a much more leisurely pace, slowly and carefully undoing each button and revealing, inch by inch, his pale skin. Harry was left completely topless since he'd rushed, staring helplessly at the other boy as he took his sweet time.

"Would you hurry the fuck up, Malfoy?" he finally asked exasperatedly as Draco shook his shirt off and carefully began to fold it. He still had his tie on, and raised an eyebrow as he smirked at the clearly uncomfortable Gryffindor.

"My, my, Potter, we needn't rush things. I would have thought Gryffindors were all about foreplay." Harry rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, Malfoy. You may want to prolong this, but with you, I'm all about getting it over as soon as possible." That being said, Harry quickly crawled across the circle toward the other boy. Draco frowned and opened his mouth to retort but Harry was already there, grabbing his tie, and pulling him forward to plant his lips firmly on Draco's.

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