the tube (dylan)

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"Welcome to the beginning of Project E.O.T.W, I faintly hear from an automated female voice, "All of you have been randomly selected by the U.S. Government to see if humans can survive the conditions of the end of the world." As I start to open my eyes, I realize that I am in a glass tube that has a white imprinted number reading 2130. I bang on the glass and yell for help as a masculine silhouette approaches the tube I am caged in.

   "There's no way escaping here, my darling." A man tells me. He's wearing a military's general uniform with a tag naming 'General Daniels'. His hands are behind his back. His back is straight with his eyes starring at me like an animal stares at its prey. His eyes are an ice cold blue. There is a a ring of mossy green around his pupils. His dark, chestnut hair is slicked back with a thick gel. "I'm not your darling." I say as I cross my arms and look away at General Daniels.
    "You can look away from me 2031, but you have to obey to what I command you." I turn around and look back at the numbers on the glass cylinder I am trapped in. "My name is Dylan." I say with an angered tone. I cross my arms and look at General Daniels face to face. He responds saying, "Yes. We know, but numbers are easier to remember." 
          He walks away slowly into the darkness of a long, narrow hallway. I pinch my arm and rub my eyes almost a million times to make sure I'm not dreaming. "Wake up, wake up." I say repeatedly until I realize that I am in reality. Taking in my surroundings, I notice I am not the only one here trapped in a tube.
       Looking to my right, I notice another girl who looks she is about 2 to 3 years above my age. She is still sleeping. She has hair like the color of charcoal. Her skin is like a rich espresso. She's wearing a thin white t-shirt with acid-washed jeans. 

Looking to my left, I notice a boy who looks about 14 or 15. He has skin like mine, fair, but not too pale. I notice his light brown freckles and his lengthy blonde hair. He's awake like I am, with fear in his eyes. He's wearing a navy blue sweatshirt with ripped jeans. I try to wave to him, but he's lost in his own fears and emotions.
   There are almost 100 people here who I barley can recognize. Half asleep, half awake, in a tube. The tubes are lined up in rows, about 10 each. I feel like an animal that's been caged in an old, abandoned farm, waiting for its end.
Taking in my surroundings, I start to hear a familiar automated female voice saying, "Test 1, the shortage of water. Your glass tubes will open up soon. We are testing to see if humans can survive the shortage, or even the extinction of clear and healthy water. Please remain calm and wait for the General. Thank you." The voice echos throughout the entire facility until it quiets down.
         My heart is pounding so loud I feel like everyone can hear it. I feel like I'm drowning in sweat and heat from this tube. I feel hot tears coming down from my eyes but rub them away slowly. This is the end, I tell myself, There's no way out of here.
Trying to calm myself down, I hear a loud noise like someone testing a microphone. "It's the General," General Daniels announces, "I am hear to let you know that we will be starting our first of many experiments in a couple of seconds. Please stay calm, and don't try to escape."
My glass cylinder opens. I stand frozen not knowing what to do. Should I escape? Should I stay put? Should I follow someone?

Everyone is running out of their tubes like wild animals trying to find food in a forest. I imagine myself as the lone wolf behind all of these wild animals until someone taps me on the shoulder.
I freeze and turn around as they introduce their self. "Hi, my name is Ajay." she says. It was the girl I saw to my right, with the charcoal eyes and ink black hair. She has a slim figure, much like mine. "My name is Dylan." I say with a brief smile. "I've never met a girl with the name Dylan before." Ajay says. "I get that a lot." She starts laughing and we start following the others until we are moved to a complete stop by someone who looks familiar.

"Welcome to Experiment #1: the extinction of water." General Daniels says. Everyone is in shock as I hear a little girl cry, "I want to go home. I want my mommy. Please let me go." General Daniels looks over and says, "You will see your mommy soon, I promise." He turns around and says, "Follow me."
We all have no other choice but to follow him . He leads us to an unknown location, which looks like something out of a Sci-Fi movie. There are scientists everywhere. One makes eye contact at me and I look away in fear.
I look around to see that the drywall are tearing up, making it look like that this whole facility will destroy itself in one second. "Welcome! General Daniels says in an excited tone I'm too scared to ask about, "Now, stay calm, and whatever you do, don't move a muscle." I stand frozen like an icicle until I feel a tight grip on my shoulder.
I turn my head and the next thing I now, I feel a slight pinch. My eyes are slowly falling like there are weights on my eyelids that I can't control. My body feels so heavy that I fall to the ground and I blank out...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2019 ⏰

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