Chapter 1

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I had figured out what my special ability was, back when i was in the regular high schools.
It was gym
I didnt feel like participating in anything because of how tired i was...


Id sit down on the bleachers rubbing my ankle. I had hit it on my door on the way out of my home.

It was extremely lound in the gym. Kids ran across the gym room back and forth either playing basketball, soccer, or football.

Id sigh feeling like i didnt fit in.

For 1 i was too skinny....every body in my school was buff, the only skinny people were the nerds. And the kids with autism...

I also didnt really have any friends. Every body there was either a wanna be gang-banger, people who thought they were better than others, and the gay boys that would walk around with their hands on their hips.

Everybody was perfect too me.

But the most perfect person i saw had just walked in front of me.
She had light brown skin, black eyes, she originally had pure black hair, but today her hair was dyed a bit beige.

She carried what looked like a greasy slice of pizza, which im pretty sure wasnt allowed in the gym. She had then sat down a few sides to the right from me.

She carried a great scent that would leave anybody mouth-watering.

After i spent at least 3 minutes dreaming about her, i hear a voice yell "watch out!"

A football would go flying across the air coming straight for the girl i was crushing on

I then looked at her, she didnt notice it.

I then felt my heart skip a beat.

And thats when

My Special Ability had its power on switch flicked......

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