Past pt2

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(Btw Izuku is ten now)

Izuku and Todoroki have been best friends ever since that day Izuku found Todoroki, even though he is a cat they still are besties and nothing can get in their way, but maby something can.

Izukus mother has been very sick lately so she went to the doctor about it.

"I'm sorry ma'am but.." the doctor looked down. izuku could tell this wasn't good, and was scared for dear life. Todoroki was in his lap just sitting there looking at the doctor like every one else "but you have cancer"

Todoroki and Midoriya just sat there, didn't do nothing didn't show emotion, didn't breath, didn't blink just..sat there as Inko cried on her knees covering her face hiding the tears from Midoriya and Todoroki. She has considered the cat as one of her children since some times he can act just like a human but in a cat form...

Soon Todoroki moved and put his front paws on Midoriyas chest and looked at his emerald eyes, they were glossy and the tears were close to falling. Todoroki rubbed his head against the greenettes cheek trying to sooth him. Todoroki felt something wet hid his head and pulled away from his cheek and looked at him, he had tears falling down his face. Todoroki licked the tears away getting Midoriya to pay attention to him. They looked at each other in the eyes

"Mom, she is gonna die" Midoriya whispered to his cat. Todoroki hopped off of Midoriyas lap and walked to Inko before licking away her tears to before using his head to lift hers. They looked at each other in the eyes and Todoroki shook his head before looking at Midoriya and doing that weird head thing telling him to come here and Midoriya did. Izuku got on his knees like his mom and they both looked at Todoroki.

Todoroki shook his head before walking to Midoriyas side and using his head to push Midoriya to him mother so they were touching each other, he used one of his paws to wrap Inkos arms around Izuku then did the same to Midoriya so now they were hugging, he then sat in front of them and watched almost going to tears.

They all heard a chuckle from the Doctor which made them all confused so they looked at him.

"That cat is super smart" the Doctor tried walking towards all the of them but Todoroki hissed and scratched the man making him walk backwards "anyways i need to talk to your son in private"

"O-oh uh su-" Inko was cut off by Todoroki hissing at the man and running into his leg and scratching him

"Todoroki!" Inko said raining her voice trying to make it not crack. Todoroki sat down and looked at her "let him talk to Midoriya" Todoroki shook his head no "why not" Todoroki the walked to the clip bourd that the doctor sat on the counter, he hopped on the counter and knocked it down following by the pen, he hopped down and moved it towards then where the doctor wouldn't see what he is doing, he put the pen in his mouth and began writing.

"P,E,R,V,E,R,T" Midoriya whispered the letters "How do you know?" Todoroki began writing again

"the way he acts" ink whispered "What do you mean?"

He wrote again

"Why would he need a kid after he told the mother she had cancer" Midoriya whisper/read

"Your right but what if he is checking him" inko whispered

Todo began writing again

"He is an adult doctor not a children's doctor if you bring your kid to this kind of hostpitle it's an emergency and Midoriya is just fine" inko read "that makes sence"

"Can I just see your son ma'am" he than reached for midoriya's hair before Todoroki jumped up and bit his arm making the Doctor scream in pain.

Todoroki let go and he had blood on the corner of his mouth, by now inko and Midoriya were stood up and now looking at the man

"Why do you need my son"

"U-uh run tests"

"I'm sir but I'm only ten I still go to a children's doctor I was not sent here for you to look at me I am as healthy as a hoarse and cancer is not contagious do there is no reason for you to check me" Midoriya said making the Doctor look at him dumb founded "So what is the real reason"

"...." the doctor was silent

"We are going home come on Todoroki thanks doctor"

"You have to come back in three weeks ma'am" the doctor said

"K" was all she said before leaving the room with Midoriya following but Todoroki sat at the door way looking at the doctor

"Why did you do that you stupid cat I could have gotten layed" the doctor whispered

Todoroki looked at the clip bourd before looking at the man making the man look at it and read every thing that was on there before Todoroki started running after his family.

(Time skip after inko died but Midoriya is still ten)

"Young Midoriya you have to live with you Uncle in America now" a female doctor said to Midoriya while Todoroki was in his arms both looking at the middle aged women. "Unafortantly you can't bring you cat"

"W-what b-ut he is my best friend  why not" Midoriya said crying more than he was.

Todoroki didn't want to lose his best friend he loves Midoriya to bits a peices why can't he come with him

"Appearantly he has allergic to cats" the women said bending down on one knee so they were face to face "i can keep him if you'd like"

Midoriya stayed silent but Todoroki didn't

He meowed and hissed shaking his head "I don't think Todoroki wants to..wait Can you give me a paper and a pen and leave me in this room alone for a couple of minutes" Midoriya said

"Sure sweetie" she gave him the paper and a pen before leaving the room leaving it just them alone

"Ok what do you want to do Todo" Midoriya asked

Todoroki put the pen in his mouth and began writing

"You want to come with me. I'm sorry but you can't any other ideas?"

He started writing again

"Go back on the streets but todoro-" he was cut off by Todoroki putting  his paw on his mouth and shaking his head before writing again. "Ok I promise i will come back when I'm 18 and I will look for you"

Todoroki nodded his head before they both walked out of the room and told the women that Todoroki is going to be living on the streets and that he will come back to Japan when he is 18 and look for him. The women only nodded and three days later Midoriya hugged Todoroki good bye crying and saying his I love yous until he had to leave.

Now Todoroki was alone, with no one. He watched as the car drove away to the airport.

Todoroki went inside the house one last time and went into Midoriyas bedroom. He looked on his bed and the only thing on it was his fish stuffed animal.

All of a sudden pink smoke covered the room and there was now a ten year old boy with red and white hair, blue and grey eyes, a scar around his left eye, and red and white car ears and tail naked. He picked up the fish and looked at it before wiping his tears away and a small smile on his face. He found a baggy black hoodie with some pants that fit perfect on him some boxers and a pair of socks and sneakers. The only things that were on his mind was

~He misses Midoriya

~He hopes it's nice in America

~And how could a boy forget so much stuff

He put the fish in the hoodie pocket before seeing if there was anyfood besides cat food in the house before he left. He found three granola bars, a juice box, and a cheese stick. He put it all in his pocket and left the house, he now doesn't have a family, homeless since in just a couple of hours people are going to take everything out of the house and sell it he now doesn't have any friends, and no one to talk is grand.

Ok so that is the last of the past shit next is the MOTHER FUCKEN PRESENT BITCHES MWAHAHA!!!!!

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