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Finally am done with the works on my table and I am on my way to pick sewa from the airport, I just pray this girl doesn't bother me cus as I dey so I tire no be small, and am not ready to deal with all her shit, hearing the phone ringing made me quitely prayed that it shouldn't be sewa calling to start shouting about how she had been waiting for hours and how I kept a queen like her waiting and so on and so forth, picking up my phone I saw her name appeared as the caller and quickly did the sign of the cross before picking it up.

Me: Hey, sewa watsap I said.

Sewa: great as usual she responded with that tiny, tany fake voice of hers , I just called to let you know that my flight will soon land in about 30 seconds and you know I hate being kept waiting so make sure you are there on time, hearing that I quickly heaved a sign of relief, grateful that she hasn't landed yet.

Driving with full speed I quickly drove like someone being pursued by demons, In my own case being pursued by demons is quite better compared to hearing sewa open her mouth to spill filthy words at me.

On Getting to the muritala Mohammed airport I quickly parked my car at the packing space and rushed in, waiting for the arrival of my bitchy cousin.

What kind of shenanigan is this for Pete's sake, I muttered to myself, This girl just wants me to suffer by making me wait for close to an hour now, on an empty stomach fa, me that don't always joke with my stomach, it's a little wonder how I still manage to have such a huge appetite and still keep my stomach flat, I guess all the exercise and every morning jogging routine actually paid off .

Someone that said she was landing in, about 30 seconds and made me drive as if all the demons in hell were pursuing me for messing with their horns "duh", 🙄😏 I haven't even seen a demon before and I don't even think I, as dumb as I am in this world or the other world if there is any, will have the boldness to touch talk more of mess with a demons horn if am to ever see one. When it is not PS4, even normal human being sef I have not finish playing with is now demon, "Biko" let me stay on my Lane ooo. she had better have a good explanation for this sudden delay oo" as if you are ever going to voice out talk more of complaining" the voice in my head jolted back at me, that not true I fired back "well keep making yourself happy" it said back to me, well if am to be sincere with myself I know that's the truth I don't really have the confidence to question sewa, this does not apply to her only, though. I find it really hard to stand up to people, I guess this was part of the many things caused by the rejection and coldness of my dad towards me.

"Fatty, fatty, fatty" I heard someone screaming.

That will for sure be no other person than the pretty,bitchy cousin of mine. Adjusting my clothes and hair I put on a very fake smile, As i turned around to welcome my cousin, oh dear, she does really look more beautiful, does she even ever age at all, and no escaping the fact that she is gonna use this to taunt me for as long as she is around.

Hey, sewa watsup long time I quickly regained my cool and said, you looking so beautiful.

"Yeah yeah what do you expect, Am so sorry, but I really can't say same for you, she said fluttering her fake eye lashes".

Oops that really entered, sounds like something typical bitchy sewa will say, but am not gonna let her get the satisfaction that her words got to me.

Recovering from the heavy Superman punch or should I say blow, her remarks threw at my, I just acted calm and smiled as if nothing happened, yes you can call me dumb, stupid, gullible anyone that suits you, but this is me that quite, naive girl that was strip off of all her confidence,esteem and right to stand up to people through the sheer rejection of her only family in the world.


"Cus as I dey so, I tire no be small" ~~ As it is am really tired
"Biko" ~~ please.

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