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She shivers a little as he calls her name. It was like someone slid an ice cube down her back then blew on it

He smiles his sinister looking smile as he walked down the stairs, watching her the whole time

Expect to feel a gust of cold wind again or some chilly atmosphere change she hugs her shawl tighter. But as he looks at her she feels a pleasant warm feeling in her heart that lifts her soul a little

"Why would that be I feel happiness under his harsh scowl. I didn't like how scary he looked. No no, not one bit. Yet... He made me... Happy in a odd way" she thought as he stood at the bottom of the stairs

His smile plastered to his face. He walks to his throne and sits. He leans back and sets his elbow on the arm of the chair then rests his chin in his hand

He looked very smart and a little handsome like that

She blushes at that thought

"Persephone," his strong deep voice calls out through the room "Goddess of spring, vegetation and daughter of Demeter. Why are you in my domain? Surely there's nothing you need from the Lord of death. For you are a Goddess. The most beautiful. There's nothing I, or my death filled world, could offer you or satisfy you"

She seems at a lose for words and quite a bit shocked by his words. And as he called her the most beautiful a deep pink covered her cheeks as she blushes

"I... I don't know why I'm here.." her bubbly whisper sweetly fills the room unlike his booming voice that was practically deep enough to rumble the earth

She thought about telling him of the small bunny and the large crack she encountered but she figured he would mock or make fun of her for that

"Hm. I see. Well, Persephone, you seem very interested in the underworld. How would you like to have a tour of it?" He says sitting up

She looks at him slightly confused "O-oh. Yes, actually I'd love to" She says with a sweet smile

He stands and smiles his cold sinister smile "Great, follow me" he stands and makes his way to the stairs

She scurries after him. He leads her up the stairs then down a hall to more stairs. Then another set of stairs

Finally he opens up a door and walks through it. As she walks through the door a gust of cold wind hits her but don't make her as cold as she thought she would be

As she steps out she looks around and realizes, she's on the roof. She gasps and looks around with eyes filled with surprise

He smiles at her "You can see the most from up here"

She looks around and sees some of the things she's seen before. Like the lava pond, misty spirit lake then something she hadn't seen before

One of the most gorgeous gardens she'd ever seen. The grass was beautiful and green. The trees were full of fruit and flowers. There were meadows of beautiful bright flowers. But the most beautiful of all was a pomegranate tree so rich with pomegranates she thought the bows would break

She stared in awe over this beautiful part of the world she had ever seen

"Beautiful isn't it? I think it's all beautiful. A life time of sin and wrong has caught up with some, for these they get eternal pain. For those who do as they should and try as hard as could be possible, those who lived a life to please the gods get sweet rewards of nature" Hades explains watching each realm as he speaks then he glances far off into the distance

"Then there are those how are unspeakably evil in all ways with no intentions of turning or righting their wrongs. These get the most cruel punishments of all. Like Sisyphos, the king of Ephyra. He is forced to push a rock up a hill but as soon as he gets towards the top, it rolls right back down to the bottom. He's forced to do this for the rest of eternity" Hades continues to explain

She looks at him shocked then thinks for a minute "I... I like that sense of justice. The way you determine how everything in their life will add up and effect the rest of eternity. That's actually really.. really interesting" she smiles

He watches her for a minute "Tomorrow I have to judge a bunch of souls to determine where they should spend eternity. Would you like to watch?"

She smiles "I could? I'd love that"

He nods "Of course. Although, I begin rather early. Perhaps you should spend the night. I've got a huge castle filled with empty rooms"

She thinks for a moment then smiles "Yes, I'd love that. Thank you"

She looks around. Although it was dark she could tell it was probably around bedtime already

"Come. I'll show you your room now" he says as he walks back in. She follows after him, down all those stairs again

He shows her to a room with French doors. He pushes them open to reveal a room decorated with all shades of black

"Not really a fan of colors are you?" Persephone asks smiling

"Just never had the time to care. Although I wouldn't mind if you added some color" he says adding "Only in this room though"

She smiles "I'd really like too. Thank you"

He nods "I'll come to get you when I begin the judgement. Sleep well" he says before walking off

She walks into the room and sits on the bed with a smile as she looks about the room for an idea of how to decorate this room

She digs around looking for something to decorate with. She comes across a drawer full of paints

Very excited about this now she pulls off her tunic, so she doesn't ruin it before tomorrow, and uses one of the bedsheets as a make shift dress

She pulls out the paints and starts preparing them for use. She starts to paint the walls white

She works hard hard for long hours to complete the room in a coat of white and when she's done she is very tired

She sits in on of the plush chairs to admire her work for a while but she slips into a deep, very much needed, sleep

Hades and PersephoneWhere stories live. Discover now