From The Light

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The figure on the rooftop uncurled from it's uncomfortable crouch and frowned, hair floating into it's eyes.

Antigone was no stranger to pain or discomfort but nonetheless her knees ached dully. She never much liked Ireland, harsh cold and winds weren't her favorite but she was here for something and she would get it.

Power oozed from her fingertips as she excitedly licked her lips in anticipation, the flat of China Sorrows was below her. Poor China, she'd never know what hit her thinking her little runes would save her but death didn't have time for games. It would strike silently when you thought you were safe and pull you into another world.

Many had thought of her as a Necromancer at first but her magic ran deeper than necromancy, an adept discipline that went extinct, well; almost extinct.

There was no sound as Antigone McThyme dropped from the roof into the building, no alarms and no China. The library, Antigone figured as she strode towards the door. It wasn't difficult to find, the library: just a floor down.

Impressive really, so many priceless books. Antigone thought if it was an appropriate time, she would have not minded browsing through the collections with a nice cup of tea, maybe earl grey. She didn't care to disguise herself, there was no point as miss Sorrows was alone, she knew the beautiful woman preferred solace over the company of others. Must be a bit annoying after some time having people throw themselves to their knees for you, professing their 'undying' love.

But she was only here for one.

As she walked through the shelves, she made sure to admire the fight that must have ensued to achieve each on in this precious collection.

She soon came to the desk of China Sorrows and saw the woman, sitting in an elegant position, seemingly writing something. Antigone walked out of the shadows of the shelves.

China's stance instantly change as her shoulders visibly tensed and if possible, she straightened herself even more. 

"How did you get in here?" If she was worried in any way, there was no way of telling. Antigone stayed quiet before deciding against in and answering clearly, "Your sigils are cute, but they could do with an upgrade."

Still facing away from Antigone the woman replied, "There are very few people who can disable my defenses." she said, slowly turning around, "and I thought I knew all of them, who are you?"

Antigone shrugged, "Doesn't matter, I'm here for a book. Might I take a look around?"

"I don't think so."

Well, she'd tried to be nice. "Oh China, China, China.." she giggled and Antigone could have sworn the slightest look of discomfort crossed the dark haired woman before it was gone as quick as it came, a tiny sliver of her true feelings.

China slowly moved to the runes covering her legs as they pulsed a barely noticeable blue but the girl across from her was faster, raising her arms as China was slowly paralyzed. The magic that flowed from Antigone's hand was darker than necromancy, it was stronger and older, more obedient and ruthless. It took the shape of shadows, in almost a liquid state creeping across the immaculate floors towards the beautiful woman before Antigone whilst China had no choice but to watch in complete horror as the shadows consumed her and all she saw was black.

When China's body slumped to the floor, Antigone straightened and walked over. She was still breathing and the young girl shrugged absent mindlessly seeing no reason to kill her yet, she would raise more suspicion if China Sorrows wound up dead in her apartment.

Walking out of the room, she grabbed the book she needed and disappeared into the shadows without a trace of her ever being here. 


China Sorrows regained consciousness not too long after and as she rolled on the floor groaning, memories flooded her head and she immediately sat up hissing as a sharp pain hit her abdominal region but she knew the girl was gone, the strange feeling she had felt previously had gone. It felt.. wrong, like death had followed her then disappeared.

But the magic that the girl had used was not your usual adept discipline, she recognized it and even though she hated to admit it, it was one of the few things that China Sorrows feared.

Trembling, she forced herself to her feet and used the desk to steady herself as she gently swayed side to side, her legs unsure of balance as she grabbed for the phone and dialed a number.

The phone rang for about a minute before she heard a click on the other line and movement.

"Hello?" answered Skulduggery Pleasant.

China sighed almost inaudibly, "help." she said softly as her vision blurred and she was swallowed by the dark for the second time that day. 

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