Lena Kalinskaya

12 1 0

The skeleton detective deliberated in silence, hunched over a small table in the middle of the crowded coffee shop. 

The cafe itself was relatively small, packed with university students eating, chatting, laughing, and studying. It was lunch break so the handful of people behind the counter were overwhelmed.

Valkyrie took another bite of her sandwich and frowned, looking up at her partner.

"You're doing it again."


"That thing." Remarked Valkyrie, amusement in her voice, "Drooping your features to the side like that, it's totally weird." Skulduggery was clearly not used to having a human face anymore and often managed to get the most bizarre expressions out of his facade.

He attempted to fix it whilst Valkyrie laughed quietly.

He looked back up and the dark-haired girl nodded, "Much better." Her voice dropped suddenly and her expression became a lot more serious,

"Is there a way to track her? Anyone that could help?"

Skulduggery shook his head, "It's difficult to tell but China got back to me-"

He was cut off abruptly by Valkyrie's shocked gasp, her eyes wide and face pale. Concerned, he followed her gaze to the coffee shop counter and found himself staring at none other than the girl they were looking for, Antigone McThyme.

She didn't look evil or like she had a plan. She was smiling, headphones jammed into her ears and a bag slung over her shoulder as she grabbed her drink from the barista's hands, thanking him.

Both detectives watched her mesmerized as she walked with her cup over to one of the few free tables in the corner, gingerly wiping some crumbs from the top before sitting down and taking out her phone.

"There's no way she didn't see us..." 

Valkyrie trailed off and Skulduggery quickly stood up, walking quickly towards Antigone who seemed oblivious as ever. Cursing, Valkyrie grabbed her sandwich and her jacket, following her partner.

"Antigone McThyme."

Skulduggery stood tall above the girl's table, imposing and stern. 

She peered up, a confused look on her face. At this distance, there was no doubt in Valkyrie's mind this was the same girl she'd seen the day prior in the sanctuary. Pulling the headphones from her ear, Antigone looked at both detectives.

"I'm sorry?"

Skulduggery Pleasant cocked his head to the side, "You're under arrest for the murder of 2 sanctuary officials." The girl looked bewildered then forced a laugh,

"Is this a joke?" She asked, "What the hell are you talking about? What Sanctuary? Who are you?"

Valkyrie frowned, confused. What kind of game was she playing? She must have been an outstanding actress because she looked genuinely confused. Many questions raced through her head, why was she pretending?

Valkyrie opened her mouth to speak but Skulduggery promtly cut her off,

"My apologies." He said briskly, "We mistook you for a friend, please, enjoy your drink." He turned to leave and Valkyrie instinctively followed, her confusion growing. Behind her, Antigone was watching them in bewilderment, headphones still hanging limply from her hands.

The skeleton detective walked straight out of the cafe and kept walking until they were surely alone in some back alley. He then finally stopped his long stride and Valkyrie was finally able to slow down her pace.

Night of Destruction (Skulduggery Pleasant)Where stories live. Discover now