Seeing her again

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Ash- Owww 

Anable- ASSHH!!!

Ash- Yes

Ash- huh????

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Ash- huh????

Anabel- sorry I just thought I'd never see you again hehe *Blushes*

Ash- Oh okay *Blushes*

Anabel- so where are you going

Ash- just to prof.oak's lab to pick up my pokemon I'm leaving 

                                           Ash starts tearing up 

Anabel- Ash what happened 

Ash- My friends and familly and friends betrayed me

Anabel- Ash thats horrible 

Brock- Assssshhhhhh

                                        Brock starts panting

Anabel- go away trator

Brock- what 

       Anabel starts punching Brock a bunch

Brock- Ow ow ow owwwwww owy Ash ow help owww meee owch owchy

Anabel-  you don't deserve to be helped

Ash- uhhh

                                                           Ash sweat drops 


Ash- oh Anabel he deffended me hehe *Sweat drops*

Anabel- oh uh oops *sweat drops* ASH YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD MEEEEE SOONER

Ash- *sweat drops* hehe ooppppsss sorry

Anabel- I'm so sorry Brock

Brock- It's fine but we should get going 

Ash- we???

Brock- yes ash we i'm coming with you 

Anabel- me too the Battle frontier won't be open for a few more months 

Ash- *smiles*

Brock- hmmmm........You should kiss

Ash and Anabel- WHAAAAAAAT!!!!!

AllFoOneFlame- hey guys I know kliff hanger,but this is child friendly And ther're probbably killing him right now so bye 206 words yaaaaaay

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