'Dad' ?

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3rd POV

DeadPool and SpiderMan are our on patrol together, searching New York for crime. Peters been helping out Wade a lot with not killing people when they're patrolling, only when he has a specific job.

They're sitting on top of a random convenient store, just talking. Well, more so waiting for Peters spidey sense to act up and tell them about some action.

"I haven't even talked to Tony since then. I mean it's been nearly 2 months!" Peter complains to his boyfriend. He's laying on his back and Wades laying down too, using his boyfriends stomach as a pillow.

"I mean, have you tried talking to him?" Wade suggests and Peter scoffs.

"I've been texting him and calling him and it's like he just ghosted me!" He sits upright and Wade has to move into a sitting position too. The teenager looks at Wade and he's happy he has his mask on cause his eyes are definitely watering. "Is it cause I said he wasn't my dad? Cause that's not true! Oh my go, Wade, I miss him so much." Peter wails and Wade grabs him into a hug.

"It's ok, baby boy. Maybe you should head over to the tower in person, then he has no excuse not to talk to you." He says softly and rubs the spiders back. Peter nods and shoves his face deeper into Wades chest.

-time skip-

Peter walks into the tower through the private entrance. He swipes his card and the elevator opens. "Can you bring me to Mr Stark, please?" He calls out to no one.

"Of course, Mr Parker." FRIDAY, the AI, responds. The elevator moves down and Peter realizes he's in the lab. The doors open and he's met with the sound of loud music playing. He sees Tony working on one of the IronMan suits and heads over to him.

FRIDAY must read his thoughts or something because she turns the music down a lot. Tony turns around in confusion and sees Peter standing there. His face gardens and he turns back to work on his suit.

The teenager walks around so he's back in Tony's field of vision when he starts talking. "Please, talk to me." He begs and the billionaire keeps ignoring him.

Peter looks down at his feet and feels his tears form in his eyes. He doesn't want Tony to see him this way, crying over him. He takes a step back and sits in one of the desk chairs. Shoving his face in his hands he lets himself let out a sob.

Tony looks over at the crying kid and suddenly stops working. He doesn't move to go comfort the kid, but just watches him.

"I-I miss you. I miss you so much!" Peter says, sobbing into his hands. "It feels like I'm losing my dad all over again but it hurts more because with my father he was gone forever but with you, you're still here and living. And choosing not to speak to me." He curls his legs up to his chest and cries harder. "It hurts me in my chest, my heart. Please tell me now if you disowned me cause it really feels like you did. It feels like my dad has disowned me." Peter mumbles and his entire body shakes with sobs.

Tony bites his lip and tears fall down his face at the scene in front of him. He steps over so he's next to Peter and kneels down. "Peter.. I love you like you're my own kid. I could never disown you. But I thought you didn't want me anymore, you said I wasn't your real dad. I had FRIDAY turn off all incoming messages and calls from anyone besides Pepper. She's the only one I've seen in nearly 2 months." He says to the fragile kid in front of him. He lifts his head up and looks him in the eyes. "And I guess it was hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that you're dating a murderer.. but I've gotten over it cause you really seem happy and that's all I care about."

Peter sniffles and wipes his tears off his face. "So, everything's fine? We're all ok?" He asks quietly and Tony chuckles.

"Yes, kid we're all good, but first order of business is getting you a new phone number. Don't want anyone but Wade hitting you up." Tony says with a smirk and Peter giggles as his face turns red.

"Thanks, dad."

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