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Adriano was the most dangerous man in the mafia after the don. He lost his parents at a young age and in the midst of fending for himself he ended up surrounding himself with darkness, murder and pain. Fast cash equals inhuman services and Adriano was the most inhumane man in the country. He was to be the richest once the don passed down the title to Adriano. Once he was the don though not by blood he would be the most dangerous man in the the country.

Bella was the dons daughter. Though not by blood. The don was raised by a black elderly woman since the dons parents had been busy ruling the mafia. She was the only woman the don had felt love to and when her daughter got pregnant and left the state leaving her newborn to her dying mother. The don took her in like he had been taken in by her grandma. But the don could not show her love like he had been showed love. Since he became the don all love he knew, he forgot. But he wanted to give Bella more then he had gotten from his parents. He gave her his time, but all his time consisted off was danger, death and pain so it became all Bella knew.

"Why I seek love in you does not seem understandable. But who said love is logical"

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