Emma' diary

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Dear diary,

Today I went to the local pub, nothing much happened there, some geezers thinking they can push people around. What gets on your nerves diary? Same I hate it when your just standing there laughing with your friends and people come and shout cause we're laughing 'having fun' is that not aloud. I guess not, but still diary let me continue, when I was at the pub, i went to the bar and this man came up to me, I instantly thought 'perv alert!' I felt like screaming perv, when he started talking to me, I started a conversation with the bartender, he was called Frankie, and the man just butted in saying all shit like blah blah blah I thought.

I went to the man ' Pardon me? You can't just butt in!' He said ' So sorry, but this is a bar where you tend to talk whilst waiting for a drink!' I lost it I screamed ' Listen perv you got nerve, coming in here, touching me and then butting in, go back to the dustbin behind the Lego shop! You fucking tramp!!' He was BRIGHT red, and he grabbed his drink and splashed it over my face, now it was war I went out the pub, across the road to the convent store, and I brought a WATER gun, I went back in the pub, told the man to take this outside. ( By this time we had a audience watching, thinking yeah, yeah its gonna be a proper smack down!) They we're so surpised when I soaked him with a gun, everyone run to the store and got one, it was so funny it turned into a real good water fight, I thought to myself, This is like when I was a child, I had to fill up my gun 27 times, in the end the bartender and the manager of the pub they looked at us, red in the face looking pissed of, but the manager went ' Oi no bloody sod is having a water fight without this old lump!' All of us laughed we couldn't stop!

About 2 hours later the pub closed and we all went home at least they did me and the bartender went over Annabelle park and carried on kicking arse! I was pissed out of the head when I went home my mum was there looking after my dog, Pickle and she said 'Your fucking so unfit for your age and I would like it of you for you to give me money for "Pickle" sitting!' I gave her a fiver and told her to Fuck of! LOL

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