"Come." Luke said, "They're probably waiting for us."

The tension in the living room was all I could feel. Ash and Cal were awkwardly fiddling with their phones. Michael was probably comforting Melissa who was crying her eyes out.

Luke looked at me and gave me a silent message.

I sighed. "Hey, guys." I called on to Ashton and Calum, "We should leave these two love birds alone."

I brought the guys to that little cafe just beside the building.

"Okay, so..." Ashton started. "How's the first day together going?"

I looked at Luke awkwardly, and he did the same. "Uhh, fine... I guess." Nothing has really changed about how we are around each other. He just likes to kiss me more. Not that I'm complaining.  Lol.

"The day hasn't even started yet." Luke said, looking at his friends.

Calum nodded. "Well, I'm hungry so we better grab something to eat." He said, picking up the menu from the table.

At that moment, Michael and Melissa entered the cafe. I knew Melissa would know where we are, so it's a good thing I brought them here.

They entered the cafe holding each other's hands. Although her eyed were still a little red from crying, Melissa was smiling at something Michael whispered to her ear. They look perfect together. Pity they have to be apart.

I sighed. You're just making yourself sad. Stop it! I thought to myself.

"So, what's for breakfast?" Michael said, approaching the table. He pulled a chair for Melissa to sit on before he sat on the chair next to her. His friends were looking at him like they don't know him.

"Who the fuck are you?" Ashton asked.

Michael frowned. "What, why?"

"Did you just make a gentleman gesture?" Ashton asked.

Michael grinned at him, but said nothing. His friends looks at him in disbelief. Their faces were funny, I swear. Well, it's not a sort of thing that Michael would do, since he claims that he's 'punk rock'. Melissa.should feel really lucky. This dude likes her so much.

We ordered breakfast, and ate them of course. Melissa ate a sandwhich while staring at the boys in awe.

"How the fuck could you intake a large amount of food in one meal?" Melissa stared at the boys. They just shrugged.

The boys eat non-stop. I've witnessed this too many times that it feels normal now.

After the meal, everyone was full so none of us really talked. But Calum cleared his throat and said something.

"Alright. So, girls..." He said, looking at Melissa and I, "As a celebration of finally being together, the boys and I planned to take you..."

Ashton drummed on the table. I stared at them. Shouldn't Luke and Michael do the talking? But I let it go since it's probably because the two boys would make it lame. No offense.

"To the beach!!!" Calum finished.

I let out a laugh. "NICE!" I said. "Michael could use some tan."

Luke laughed beside me. Ash and Cal did too. Michael glared at me and Luke. Melissa was laughing too.

"Shut up." Michael groaned.

"Okay." Ashton giggled. "We should get going. These girls need to get ready."

"The beeeeeaaaach. Whoooo!!!" Calum cheered. Melissa and I followed. And out we go.

We agreed to meet back at the lobby of my building at 10. Which is approximiately an hour from now.

Nothing Like Us (L.H.)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu