ThunderDome: part 3

Start from the beginning

It had gone quiet in the bathroom, and a moment later, the door opened. Dome couldn't help but turn to watch Pavel walk into their bedroom, looking far too good in his thin sweatpants and tank top that left his arms bare to his shoulders and hugged his chest like a wet dream.

Their eyes locked and what Dome saw in Pavel's eyes left no room for misinterpretation. Not after what he had felt in the shoot, and not after what he had just heard. His eyes flicked to Pavel's lips and back up. 

When Dome opened his mouth, he didn't know himself what was going to come out.

"Are you going to make me beg?"

Pavel gasped, shocked, then elated, and crossed the distance between them in two long steps. Then his mouth was on Dome's, their hands were grabbing hold of everything they reach, their breaths hard and fast. Dome gave as good as he got, letting his hands roam all over Pavel's body, a part of his mind still not quite believing how they got here, but more than willing to see where it would all go.

Pavel was almost limp with relief that he didn't have to pretend anymore, didn't have to hold back how he felt, and he sank into the kiss like Dome's mouth was his whole world. The kisses were addictive, far beyond their already hot kisses on set, and Pavel couldn't get enough.

Blindly, Pavel turned them around and pushed Dome against the wall, his hands grabbing Dome's head, his tongue dancing desperately with his. 

Dome groaned. He had never felt so aroused, so vulnerable, so consumed. He had never known it was what he wanted. Then Pavel's hands slid on his ass, between Dome and the wall, and grabbed two big handfuls and Dome whimpered. He'd never become so aroused so fast.

"Fuck," he heard Pavel moan, his mouth leaving his for a moment. "You're so fucking perfect." 

Then Pavel's mouth was back on his, and his hands grabbed beneath Dome's butt, and a surprise lift later, Dome was held aloft against the wall, pressed between Pavel's chest and the wall behind himself, and his legs somehow wrapped around Pavel's waist. He was drowning... The sweet kisses he had received from his few girlfriends before had never felt like this. Pavel's mouth was hot, hungry, demanding, addictive. And it was making Dome shake with need. 

Dome's hands grabbed Pavel's hair and pulled, and Pavel's mouth separated from his with a wordless objection.

"Bed, now."

"Fuck, yeah," Pavel growled, and walked the few steps to the bed, still holding Dome aloft like he weighed nothing. It made Dome's stomach flip, to be carried like this.

Pavel lifted them both on the bed, and in a smooth manoeuvre he placed Dome carefully on the bed, his mouth never leaving Dome's. He pulled away for a second, and ripped his t-shirt off impatiently, and Dome struggled out of his own, his eyes glued on Pavel's heaving chest.

A second later, Pavel was pressed up against him, in an imitation of their earlier scene, both as hard as they had been on set. Dome's hands slid down Pavel's back and reached to grab his ass, and arched up into him.

"Fuck, Dome...! You feel so fucking good," Pavel moaned.

"Yeah yeah yeah... Shut up and fuck me," Dome growled, channelling Beam from the novel.

Pavel shook against him. "I want to, so bad, but it's not like in the books. We need time... preparation. And I don't know about you, but I can't wait that long." Pavel was panting with the effort not to do what Dome had just asked him. He could still hardly believe they were doing this for real. This was really happening.

"Fuck..." Dome groaned, grinding himself against Pavel's hardness. "Do something! I need... something... anything!" Dome was writhing with need, and Pavel's hips jerked against his.

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