ThunderDome: part 1

Start from the beginning

Dome missed that close connection with Pavel. And as corny as it sounded, Dome had felt safe in Pavel's strong arms. Safe and cared for. Then he scowled. He wasn't some swoony girl. He wasn't pining over being held by a guy! But why did it hurt that Pavel no longer wanted to touch him? And this upcoming scene? If Pavel didn't want to touch him, how would they make it work?

"Big day tomorrow," Dome said, testing the waters, as he sat on his side of the bed and slid under the sheets.

"Mmmm," Pavel said, his eyes resolutely on the screen in his hand, to keep them from looking at the sexy guy lying next to him.

"Our second sex scene. Did you want to rehearse it?"

The smart phone dropped from Pavel's hand and he scrambled to retrieve it, his heart hammering in his chest.


"The lines? Did you want to run them through with me?" Dome said, and grabbed the script, which had seen better days. It had been so neat and tidy at the beginning of the shoot, and Dome remembered his excitement when he had been handed his own copy. The weeks of shooting had bent the corners, deposited coffee stains on the cover, and sported underlined passages and comments all along the margins.

Pavel breathed in, then let it out, and again. "I'm good."

Dome turned to look at him. "You okay? You sound weird."

"Mmmm. Just nervous, I guess."

"You can talk to me, man, if you need to. I mean, I'm nervous, too. To be half naked in front of all those people..."

"Yeah," Pavel said, relieved to latch on to Dome's admission.

"Talk to Aam if you have concerns, I'm sure he will do what he can to make you and me comfortable."

"Yeah, alright, might be a good idea."

They settled in for the night soon after that, but Pavel lay awake listening to Dome's breathing, growing even and steady as he fell asleep. When he did, Pavel slipped out of bed quietly and went to the bathroom. There was no way he was going to be able to sleep with this, he thought, looking at the erection tenting his shorts. Feeling like a pervert, he grimly set to work to give himself relief.

Once he got back to bed, Pavel turned his back on Dome, and was finally able to fall into sleep.

The next morning, Pavel took advantage of the crew setting up the scene, and pulled Aam, the director to the side. "Can I talk to you about something?"

Aam just nodded and led Pavel to the bathroom which functioned as his office and video village, due to lack of space. They were shooting at a real hotel, and the ensuite bathroom was the only enclosed space that Aam could use. He sat on the edge of the bathtub, motioning Pavel to sit on the toilet cover. "What's up?"

"It's the upcoming scene..."

"The sex scene? You should be old hat at that by now?" Aam teased him.

"It's just that... The first scene we did, it was all new, and there was the crew, and I didn't know Dome that well, and it was so awkward... I mean you were great, you made us feel at ease, but..."

"So? You know that anything you tell me here won't go further."

Pavel took a deep breath. "The scene needs us to be real close... like, I'm on top of Dome... and..."

"Ah. You worry you might have a reaction?" Aam asked, his tone quite matter-of-fact.

Relieved, Pavel nodded.

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