Chapter 5

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You wake up to a weird scratching sound but realize that it's just a mouse. You take a look around you and realize your in your bed. Confused you look out the window and see your neighborhood. Now your more than confused. Are you back home? You walk around your room and see your desk has a note on it. it says

"look through the door"

you walk to the door and walk through and fall into a pit of darkness almost instantly waking up when you hit the bottom.

You realize you were just dreaming and have a sense of disappointment now but at the same time could care less. You look around you and see that you slept throughout the last trial 2 that took place. Realizing you've slept for the past 16 hours you confusedly get up and see Claudette and Jake staring at you.

"Back from the dead are we?" Jake says sarcastically

"Fuck you that's probably gonna be the best sleep i have in a while."

Claudette adds "dude we actually thought you were dead."

"Oh shit for real?"

"Yea you've been sleeping for an entire day pretty much."

"Well i'm fucking starving so i'm gonna grab some food."

You walk over and realize once again there's only hot dogs, but you couldn't complain so you decided not to didn't matter to you anyways. Still kinda tired you were slowly walking to the spot were you slept and sat down. All the memories shooting back to you at once you remember the whole michael myers and spirit situation. Hoping that you were picked for next trial you look at the board. You were on it! Hoping you got to see spirit again you thought to yourself.....

"Shit what killer could it be though?"

You decide to walk to the border to see if spirit is still there. Strangely enough she was.

"So how have you been?" she says with a kinda annoyed tone

"I've been at the camp sleeping."

"Weird how you can sleep when you don't know if your gonna get pulled into a trial."

"Had no choice i was tired."

"You always feel tired here all survivors do."

"Do you know who the next killer for the trials gonna be?"

"I think Huntress or Nurse."

"What do they do?"

"Well nurse can teleport and huntress can throw the locker hatchets at you."

"Kinda hoping for the huntress than....."

You hear a loud snap behind you...... it's Jake

"You got to talk to one of these people without them trying to kill you?"

"Yea i guess." you say quickly

Spirit annoyed just phases away

"Welp i guess she's gone now...come back to camp you got picked for the trial."

Kinda pissed you walk back to camp with Jake. Before you get there though he asks you.....

"You sure you didn't go through the barrier the other day?"

Trying not to sound as guilty as you are you reply

"Yea i was just talking to that same killer."

"Ok i believe you i guess."

You get back and see everyone that got picked for the trial, (Nea,Claudette, and Tapp) starting to have black smoke arise around their legs. You look down and see it start to cover you too. It was time for the next trial.

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