Chapter 1

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       Darkness....all there was to see was darkness. It was silent to a point where you couldn't even hear your own thoughts. Then you woke up all of your senses started coming in one by one. Hearing the song of crackling fire. Feeling cold,groggy and for some reason not alone. You turn off your stomach on to your back and see another guy. He looks at you and snap his fingers as if trying to wake you. Then everything goes black again.
You come back to your senses in what feels like seconds standing a farm? You look around you and see the same guy from before. He's wearing a green jacket with a small scarf and khakis.

Slowly walking over to him still you groggily say. "uhh excuse me" you say feeling awkward, "where are we?". He starts to work on a broken down generator as you just stand there.

"Names Jake" he says briefly as he slowly works on the generator. "You must be new and if you wanna keep from being killed sacrificed etc."

"what do you mean?!" you say highly alarmed and uneasy now. You think to yourself what type of shit is this?!

"Hey keep it down or they'll here you" Jake says aggressively

"wait who's gonna hear me?" You say thinking you sound stupid.

"The killer they kill and sacrifice us to please the entity, don't know what it is but that's what we call it."

So much information flooded your head in 1 minute of a conversation. All of a sudden you hear a quiet heartbeat but brush it off thinking it's just paranoia. Still confused you ask Jake

"So how do we get out of here?" you ask even thought the answers probably obvious being the fact that Jake is doing a gen

"We do gens at least five gens around the area and then those power two exit gates, which allow us to escape."

In the distance you hear the heartbeat getting louder and louder. "What is that?" you ask the Jake as he finishes up the gen.

"That's the killers terror radius we hear it the closer they are."

"So basically we should leave?". The gen just powered on Jake says "Yep run!"

Hearing a chainsaw revved up and getting closer you start running and run into a nearby cornfield. You see what must be the killer finish sprinting with a chainsaw in one arm and a mallet in another. "Shit" you whisper underneath your breathe. you watch the disoriented killer chase a girl. She's dressed in a hype tank top a beanie and zebra leggings. She keeps on outdoing him hopping every window,hitting him with huge pallets, and  constantly mindgaming him. You watch as another person comes out of the corn. Wearing a brown jacket with a rock shirt and black jeans. His hair organized with a decently shaved beard which was kinda weird.
About 45 minutes later you hear a huge blairing horn and you see a light power up against a huge gate. You still hear the chainsaw revving around the farm. You take the risk and go for it anyway. As soon as you open up the gate the chainsaw/mallet wielding man comes out of no where and almost catches you. You run for what seems like minutes before a black fog covers up your senses again and you get transported back to the same place you started.
          It seemed too easy to you, but you just let it go. Realizing how hungry you are you smell a fresh smell of hot dogs. Walking over to the campfire you see about 16 other people, nope 17 they jus came back from getting firewood.

           You meet everyone ranging from a track star to a retired cop, but i'm gonna go through important ones.

First there's Nea who was running that killer around for a long time
Next there's Meg she's athletic used to be a track star and then same thing happened to her as you
Claudette is really smart and she's self sufficient
Then Jake which i just met and is really your only friend so far

             Anyways so you get to the campfire and start devouring the hot dogs at least eating 6. You then go to Jake to make small talk because you feel out of place there and try to fit in.

"So how long have you been here?" you ask Jake not really expecting an answer

"Don't know to be honest time is kinda still here, but i'd estimate a few years roughly."

"Damn that's crazy you ever think of getting out?"

"Can't we're stuck here until the entity doesn't want us anymore than next trial your disposed of completely." Hs said it with a concerned kind of look which worries you.

"So we just repeat this for the rest of our endless lives pretty much?"

"Pretty much....."

You start to feel helpless but realize you'll have time to get used to it here, lots and lots of time.

You hear footsteps behind you and out of instinct stand up really quickly and turn around. You realize it's just the other guy from the trial.

"Slow down there jumpy... you the new guy?"

"Yea it's weird how things are long have you been here?"

"Well a little while but not as much as big ol' Jake here, names jeff by the way"

"Jeff shut the fuck up no one likes you"

"Well your one to talk"

"Go back to the group and leave me alone i'm being serious"

"woahhh scary your lucky we have rules among us or I'd kick your ass"

"Yea cant wait for that; hey (Y/N) come here real quick"

You slowly and now because of that conversation awkwardly walk.

"Look next trials about to start and i'm just gonna day don't be useless like him try to fix generators if not just distract the killer ok?"

"Yea i'll try to but keep in mind i'm new and last time i know it was pure luck i got out"

"Ok well i haven't gotten summoned for the trail so sadly you won't have me with you so try to do your best ok?"

With those words you became engulfed in the black fog and transported again but this time to a place that looked quite like a traditional japanese house?

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