Chapter 15

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I felt like a scolded child. That's basically what I was at this point. I was now laying in the alphas and our shared room, jude had gotten lunch and then went to the playroom with other pups. I was now supposed to lay here as punishment for getting up off the couch. I had tried to tell Keanai that Seeril had put me on the couch, but I hadn't want to prolong the fight and he still looked tired. So here I am.
"Mommy ?" I saw Dian poke his little head in the door rub his eyes.
"Hi sweetness, did you just wake up ?" He nodded and crawled up onto the bed.
He curled around me and settled his head in my chest purring sleepily.
"Did you have a nice nap baby ?" He nodded sucking his tiny thumb.
"Is everyone else still napping baby ?" He yawned rubbed his eyes.
"No, Ceecee woke up and went to find papa. JJ is with daddy, he cam in when I woke up. Veevee is still sleeping mama." I hummed and combed his soft hair with my fingers.
"Is you ok now mama ? Papa said you got hurt again." His eyes drooped and glistened.
"I'm ok now baby. Mommy just..... mommy just has to take it easy for a while. I cant do much until your siblings come." I kissed his soft cheek, which thankfully is now plump and pinchable.
Thankfully three weeks on a regular diet and sleep schedule has done wonders for my babies. They have filled out and are closer to their target weight. They also seemed to have grown a bit taller already, that could just be my wishful thinking though.
"Will you be ok after mommy ?" I smiled and kissed his eyelids and he giggled.
"Yes baby." His little arms wrapped around my neck and gave me a smooch on my cheek.
"Hehe love you mommy. And I love being here with papa and daddy too." My heart melted and I hugged him and smothered him in kisses and he giggled loudly.
"Hehe mama !!! Stop it tickles hehehehe  !!!" I tickled his little tummy and he squealed happily.
"Hehe mommys a tickle monster." I leaned over and gave his little tummy a raspberry and he squealed louder and wiggled away.
"Mama !!" I giggled and gave Dian one last kiss and let him go.
He rolled and looked at me, a big toothy smile on his face and his eyes sparkled. His hair was in every direction and his clothes were wrinkled.... but he looked so happy, he looked like a normal 4 year old baby.
"Mama what's wrong, why are you sad ?" Dian crawled into my lap, and held my face. I was crying.
"I'm not sad baby, I'm just, im just happy ... that you get to be happy now." I kissed his forehead and wiped my eyes.
"Your not sad ?" I smiled softly.
"No baby I promise."


"Ri ?" I cracked my eyes open to see Warrick looking down at me with tired eyes.
I hadn't even realized I had fallen asleep, Dian was gone, must've went to looks for the alphas or Casey.
"Mm ... I, fell asleep." I slowly sat up my neck twisting in pain.
"Keanai told me he found you out of bed. I wanted to check and see if you strained your stitches." I sighed and rubbed my eyes tiredly.
"I didnt, mean to. I, just was hungry and didnt..... didnt know where anyone was." Warricks expression softened.
"Right, you dont have a link with us yet, I keep forgetting that." I furrowed my brow confused.
"Link ?" He blinked owlishly but said nothing.

I let Warrick slip the covers off me and slip off Seerils sweatpants he let me wear. I was sore and they were easy to slip on and off. Warrick also pulled my shirt up off my tummy, which was thankfully much larger than when I got here. Whenever I was carrying my pups I was always small, I always amounted it to my body type. But Warrick said it was most likely due to malnutrition instead, they hadn't gotten a good nutrition diet when I was pregnant, so they were born small and fragile.
A normal pregnant wolf with twins around my size would have been double the tummy size i was now. But Warrick just told me not to rush, the twins were going to he smaller than average but he wanted to at least get them as close to their target weight as possible.

"Ok, I'm gonna push a little ok ? Tell me if you feel any type of pain ok Ri ?" I nodded, bit my lip.
I watched warrick use his fingers to press different places on my tummy, asking if I felt pain in certain areas, I thankfully only felt the pressure of his fingers.
"Ok good, now lift your legs and I'll check your stiches." I blushed pink, embarrassed.
Male carrier wolves biology was different, we weren't exactly hermaphrodites with both sets of parts. It was more like there was a separate channel that splits off from the anal channel ending in a womb. We didnt have periods or "heats" but we did have fertile cycles were the chance of getting pregnant was almost Indefinite. There are cases where said carrier is more fertile more often, and that is my case.
"Alright the gel will be cold but bare with it yeah?" I nodded and looked away turning red.

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