《chapter 4 (part 2)》

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A.N- I forgot to add in the last chapter that there is indeed a video of Bruno and his band singing End Of The Road on YouTube. I didn't include it in the last chapter because everyone was happy and Phil was being a fool (as usual) and i felt like that would ruin the mood. Anyways. Carry on.

"And I'll take with me the memories to be my sunshine after the rain." — It's So Hard To Say Goodbye To Yesterday, BOYZ II MEN

The drive to the cemetery was short. Bruno was familiar with it, he had to drive past it every day to get to work. Each time he drove past it, he had no particular feelings about it. It was just another cemetery he thought, just another place he had to pass to get to his employer.

Genesis was familiar with it. She knew people who were buried in this cemetery. She felt nauseous the minute Sarah's car stopped in front of the cemetery, she wanted to run away. Somewhere other that there, anywhere other than there. But she knew that no matter how much she wanted to run, she couldn't. Her legs wouldn't allow her. She felt paralyzed.

With a gentle nudge from Sarah, she jerked her head from the car window and looked at her friend. "Hey," Sarah turned the radio down that was blasting the latest music. She didn't like it, but it was better than the silence that she had to sit through. "You ok?" 

The same question.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Genesis answered.

The same lie. 

Genesis opened her car door and nodded to her friend. She quickly pulled down the sun visor that revealed a mirror. She checked over her makeup and climbed out the car. "Let's get this over with, please."

Sarah frowned. She looked past her, towards the cemetery, then back at her friend who was obviously uncomfortable. "You.. you don't like it here," She gave her friend a sympathetic look. "Do you?"

"Bad memories." Was Genesis' short answer. She turned around and looked behind her at the gathering crowd of people that was making their way through the cemetery. She gulped. "Can we just..." She pointed a thumb towards the cemetery and gave her friend a pleading look. Sarah nodded and turned the car off, shoving her keys in her bag and climbing out. She patted her hair down and sighed.

"This frontal better not be lifting, I ain't got the time today." She mumbled. Genesis smiled a little as the walk towards the gate that led to the place that Genesis had been to too many times.

Bruno had to go to the hearse again, and he and the other 5 pallbearers had to remove the casket from the hearse. Genesis spotted the man who was playing the drums, and the other bald-headed guy that was singing with Bruno. She spotted Bruno and his forbidding face, and remembered the night of the interviews.

Then she remembered Kallie. A flashback to the service, she pressured herself walk up to the casket and peek inside, just to see her friend for the last time, if only a few minutes. She looked, she left, she sat back down. She couldn't force herself to stand there and stare at her friend more than she wanted to, it made her feel aghast. She felt baffled, flustered about the fact that 3 weeks ago, she was sitting by herself, waiting for her friend at a coffee shop.

And when she returned to her seat, she dissolved into tears, and her heart crumbled as she sank down into her seat, her face in her hands in defeat. She knew the part she played in her friend's death, and it would forever haunt her. She looked towards the Hernandez family that was seated across the room from her. They all looked the same, the children's face mirroring Bruno's. Scared and unhappy.

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