Chapter 7: Sharpening The Weapons For A Close Call

Start from the beginning

The rest of the day went by pretty quickly. Ian and me discovered that what I actually did was send a sort of soundwave out of my hands. We practiced it a bit during the rest of the lunch break, outside. It makes me feel tired when I do it, but I figured I just needed to get used to it a bit. It did make the day a lot more interested, since the others started theorizing what semblances they would have.

Ian: "Maybe my semblance would be turning myself into smoke. That'd be awesome you know? Someone would try to kill and me I'd just be like 'hah, didn't see that coming you moron' and then I could beat them up for trying to kill me."

Mike: "Maybe I'd be able to create cyclones by willpower with my semblance. That would be cool, right?"

Simon: "I really wish my semblance would be attracting hot girls or making myself really muscular or something like that."

(Y/N): "There's no such semblance as attracting girls magically. The fact you're sitting here drooling about that idea probably proves that it wouldn't be your semblance anyway."

Ian: "*whispering* I really hope his semblance isn't making himself muscular, that would be disastrous for everyone."

Mike: "*whispering* Probably yeah. But you know what would be even worse? If he decided to go read cringy romantic novels with all that cliché stuff and he decided to go use it on girls."

Teacher: "Mike, Ian, do you have something you want to share with us?"

Mike: "No, not really."

Teacher: "Then pay attention please."

Mike and Ian shivered at the thought of that. Meanwhile, the end of the day was getting closer and closer and finally, it was there. The time to work on our weapons again. Last few weeks, we had made the design of our weapons and now it was time to deliver the finishing touch. At the end of the lesson, I went over to Ian to see what he had made.

Ian: "Hey (Y/N), came to see what I made?"

(Y/N): "Yes actually, can I see it?"

Ian showed me a sword that he was able to transform into a shotgun. It looks pretty simple, yet so damn cool at the same time. I discovered Mike had made himself two claw pieces, which also were able to shoot and turned into two daggers. Simon made the longest spear maybe in history, which was a double sided weapon, since the spearhead was on both sides. When clipped in half, he could make a shotgun of it. And then, it was my turn.

Mike: "So (Y/N), what have you got?"

(Y/N): "Well, let me explain."

I showed them my weapon: a double sided axe, which could split in half, into two smaller axes with a blade on the sides only. In the double sided axe mode, I could pull the blades backwards and it would transform into a gun. It had some (f/c) linings over it.

Mike: "Damn that's awesome dude. Wish I came up with that."

(Y/N): "You also did an amazing job dude, don't talk yourself down."

Towards the end of the lesson the teacher noted everyone's weapons down. I then noticed I didn't have a name for it yet.

Teacher: "So, (Y/N), what's your weapon's name?"

(Y/N): "I didn't really think about that yet... But I kinda like Berserk Slasher."

Teacher: "Ok, noted."


Once the final class, in which we made our weapons ended, me and (Y/N) headed towards the exit. We were allowed to take our weapons home, as long as we brought them with us to school again when we were gonna need them. (Y/N) explained his choice for making the axe being able to switch from a double sided one into two smaller one sided ones, when I felt someone staring at us. I looked around and saw the blonde girl who (Y/N) believed was his sister staring at us. When she noticed me looking back to her however, she looked away again and opened her locker.

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