“I’m the first officer Russell Rulo.” My attention turned to a tall tanned man with a golden blonde goatee and golden blonde hair along with hazel eyes. Was there anyone on this ship that wasn’t a man besides Avery and Herelsia?

“I’m first technical officer Brina Marshalls.” My eyes immdetly turned to a slightly muscular woman with a hard stare in her green eyes and long brown hair mama mia so there was women on the Edogon. And I was working with one of them.

“I’m Georgina Locoto the mechanic of the Edogon.” My eyes turned to another slightly muscled woman with dyed dark green hair and brown eyes along with a dark blue jump suit with oil and grease stains all over it.

“I’m the medical ward’s leader Jonas Turkers.”My attention turned to another man; this one was around my height and had messy brown hair, the kind of hair every girl loved. I saw Avery, Herelsia and Georgina ogling him along with someone else. At least one girl wasn’t all over him, Brina the one I would be working with.

“I’m Flo Pentene the medical nurse here; I will be training the medical recruit and working with them until we say you are ready to be a full nurse or doctor.” Flo said, I saw Herelsia glare at her but do no more than that. I had expected Herelsia with her sharp attitude to at least say something. Flo was a petite woman with no muscle what so ever and had blonde hair with a bob cut along with dark gray eyes.

“I’m the poisons specialist and lab leader Bo Corks.” My attention then went to a man with gray hair and full short beard that followed all along his jaw line and up over his upper lip. He also had on a dark yellow combat suit and over top of that was a white lab coat.

“I’m a lab researcher Coco Bruins.” A girl with a quiet voice said, now here I wouldn’t bother with at all really. Quiet girls weren’t my type. But I may as well say there’s a pattern here with the suits, anything related to science was dark yellow and anything to do with medical was a dark red.

“I’m Turner Craft the head officer of hand to hand combat.” A tall man with a mysterious look to him said, I turned to look at Avery again, ogling over the tall handsome, mysterious and dark Mr. Craft. By dark I meant he had black hair that hid his left eye. Turner like Avery was wearing a dark navy blue combat suit, so even hand to hand combat had a pattern, then why had my suit been black?

“Now that you’ve meet virtually the most important people of the crew I’ll go on to explain where everything is and where you’ll be stationed at and who you’ll be working with.” Captain Kurt said. I looked back at him and listened intentionally as he told us all we would ever need to know.


After the meeting was over everyone filed out of the Swot room to go down to the Gorge room where all the food was, which also technically the cafeteria. This ship just took what things were supposed to be named and renamed them. That was the weird thing about the crew of this ship. But I was glad that unlike the academy we didn’t need to take all those stupid useless classes we’d probably never need, we were just assigned to where we were needed and then sent there.

Yawning I stepped into the Gorge room to find it a buzz with many people, many more than had been in Swot room. The military’s spaceships really weren’t small at all. Actually the Edogon to be exact had three floors and five separate wings on each level. And then the roof of Edogon was where the look outs stayed and the hand to hand combat officers went for practice. I was amazed at how big it was, it was even bigger than the academy and that was amazing since the academy housed a lot more people but then again unlike the academy we weren’t mounted on the ground and had to have a built in repair shop and take off and landing place along with a parking lot. Oh and a hospital, and robot storage and a lab. So I guess all in all it did make sense that the Edogon was bigger than the academy.

Walking across the aisles to the back table where all the new recruits sat I got the attention from the ladies that I had wanted, but until I knew anyone here I wouldn’t really be sitting anywhere in the Gorge except where the new recruits sat. But that didn’t mean that I wouldn’t get up and go flirt with the many girls who had been in hiding earlier...

Grabbing a chair across from Avery I set down my tray and picked up my fork. Food here was better than at the academy, we actually got to chose what we wanted to eat every day for the rest of our lives. Yep life had just gotten even better—

“Oh please would you two just ask each other out already. I’m fed up with you two I’m going.” Herelsia suddenly stated, I looked up from my food to see Avery bow her head in embarrassment and Stark look the other way as Herelsia with no food left on her plate got up and walked over to the disposal area.

“We’re really getting on her nerves hey?” Avery stated, laughing nervously like she had when she had first meet me. Stark joined her and then turned back to look at her, putting his arm across her chair.

“Yeah...well I guess I better say this then and save her the suffering.” Avery turned wide eyed to look at Stark. Oh please don’t pretend like you didn’t know that he liked you. I wanted to say but I didn’t I went back to my food trying to ignore the scene before me. Although it would make it more of a challenge to chase after Avery if she was dating someone, hmm inviting maybe I could come to like them dating.

“What are you trying to say Stark?” Avery suddenly said. I looked up to see Stark look confused.

“Avery don’t you like me?” He asked. Avery gave a soft laugh and leaned back in her chair.

“Yes but do you really think we’re ready for a relationship right now? I mean just a few days ago until mind reader came along here I thought you hated me and would never accept me. And now we’re just starting our career in the military forces.” Avery said. Oh come on just let him be your boyfriend, it’s much funnier that way Avery!

“Well now you know I never hated you I was just afraid that you hated me. So please, what do you say?” Stark said. Avery looked thoughtful for a few seconds and bit her lip.

“Yes, yes I will go out with you Stark.” Avery said. Stark instead of looking at Avery with pleasure looked over at me with triumph in his eyes. I felt my pride shoot up; well you know what buddy good luck keeping her because now you officially had me as your opponent. And all was fair in the game of love and war.


We All Know Dune's Got It Going On, Avery Doesn't Know He's Got It Going On....

I Think You All Get The Point. 'I Know You Know' By The Arka Teks, Is My Song For Dune =3

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