Chapter Twenty - Through the Trapdoor

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Alright! Only one or two chapters left! I really need a title for Book Two ASAP, or I'll have to fall back onto 'Lily Snape and the Chamber of Secrets'. That's very un-creative. But... I'm no good with titles! I'll also need a cover, but I think I have one that just needs to be edited....

Anyway, I'm sorry I took so long to upload. I hope the length makes up for it a little...? Sorry Lanna and Sebine don't show up, but Lanna couldn't because it would get around that she had helped stop Voldemort. Sebine's Draco's girlfriend, so obviously she couldn't come even if she wanted to. Romulus was too absorbed in his books to realize Harry and the gang were sneaking out.

One more thing! I've been thinking about writing Romulus's story too.... Not yet, because I need to work on Lanna Less-Strange, but I'm considering it. Any opinions on that? Let me know.

Okay, so this is a really long authour's note. On with the story!

  Somehow she had done it. Somehow Lily had made it through every exam. Mostly without hitch... Crabbe had sabotaged another Ravenclaw's equipment in Herbology.

  She had spent a lot of time in Harry's mind lately. She had found out what Quirrell was up to, but she wanted Harry's opinions. The problem was, he didn't see Quirrell as the evil one. Harry saw Lily's father as the evil one.

  She couldn't convince him otherwise.

  Professor Dumbledore was gone, so she couldn't go to him. Her father hated Harry enough, so she didn't dare go to him about this. Professor Sprout? No, she wasn't involved in this. McGonagall? Lily wasn't in her house. She felt a bit intimidated approaching her. That left Flitwick, but she was actually scared to tell anyone about this... She had to though.

  So she walked toward Flitwick's office. She never made it.

  Along the way, she overheard something that made her stop.

  " more important than the Ministry of Magic, Potter?"

  Lily kept walking, each step bringing her closer to the voices.

  "Look," said Harry's voice. " Professor - it's about the Sorcerer's Stone -"

  Lily could see by this time. She gasped. McGonagall dropped a load of books she must have been carrying.

  "How do you know -"

  "Professor, I think - I know - that Sn- that someone's going to try to steal the Stone. I've got to talk to Professor Dumbledore."

  "Professor Dumbledore will be back tomorrow. I don't know how you found out about the Stone, but rest assured, no one can possibly steal it, it's too well protected."

  "But Professor - "

  "Potter, I know what I'm talking about. I suggest you all go back outside and enjoy the sunshine."

  McGonagall walked away. Lily walked up to the group.

  "I heard that, Harry Potter," she growled.

  All three turned quickly. Lily boots clicked on the stone floor.

  "Heard what, Lils?"

  She frowned, crossing her arms in a way that made the other three think of her father.

  "You think he's the one after it? My father?"

  "Lily, he -"

  "Oh, shut up, Harry! You don't get it at all! It's not him!"

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