Chapter Three - Packing the Magic Trunk

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  Lily sighed as she looked at her parcels and packages. She had known that the likelihood of meeting any other Hogwarts students was slim, as none of the other students had their letters or book lists yet. It never hurt to hope, but perhaps this was for the best.

  One of the 'perks' of being the daughter of Severus Snape, I suppose. Though I WOULD like to meet some of my own kind, to get away from these Muggles. Sure, I go with Father to Hogwarts every year, but none of the students know that I even exist. I want to have friends in the magical world. REAL friends. Not that that will ever happen, once everyone knows who my father is and what he's like. Sometimes I wish -

  There was a noise behind her. Lily grabbed her wand and whirled to see what it was. She soon found that her wand was pointing right into someone's face. Right into the face of -.

  "Lily, lower your wand, or there will be consequences."

  "Yes, Father. I'm sorry."

  "Do not apologize, you may need to be on your guard in later years. But you will regret it if you ever aim your wand at me again. Now lower your wand."

  She did so, her pale cheeks slightly reddening.

  "You have not yet packed, I see?"

  Severus always went to Hogwarts a few weeks early to prepare. She had always gone with him, staying in his private quarters. But she didn't want to this time.


  "Yes, Lily?"

  "Um... Father, couldn't I take the train this year? All of the other students will be taking the train..."

  "Lily, you are not all of the other students. As I will be at Hogwarts, how do you intend to get to the station?"

  "Well... The Smiths would most likely take me..." She hated this thought. "Or... You could always leave the grounds and apparate back here..."

  She saw a flicker of amusement on his face. "We shall see, Lily. But for now, pack." With that, he left.

  Lily turned to her trunk. It was a magic trunk, with one keyhole and seven keys, each key opening to a new part of the trunk. Lily doubted that her father knew what the trunk was.

  She took the first key and unlocked the trunk, filling the first compartment with clothes. After locking it with he first key and unlocking it with the second, the second compartment soon filled with schoolbooks.

  She repeated this process, filling the third compartment with her potion ingredients for school, the fourth with her books for personal reading, the fifth with her other potion ingredients, the ones her father didn't know about.

  The sixth section as quickly filled with her most precious, most secret possessions, An Invisibility Cloak included. Her father knew nothing of these things, and that was the way she wanted it.

  She was now packed, and waiting for her father's word on weather she would go with him or take the train.

  I hope I can take the train...

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