Part five...

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Lilith and Bonnie headed back
"That was so much fun!!!" Bonnie squealed
"Hell yeah!" Lilith replies
"Lilith....." I voice said
"Huh?" Lilith looked behind her but nothing was there.

"What's wrong?" Bonnie asked
"I heard a was demonic like," Lilith said confused

"We better get slendy" Bonnie said as they rushed to the mansion.

The voice wouldn't stop and slender man could read minds so when he checked Lilith to see what's wrong with her he was shocked.

"No....this can't be happening again..." slender said

"What happened again?" Toby asked
"....also...." slender said

Everyone froze except for Lilith

"No this isn't good Lilith also is trying to get you this is what happened to lazari you must be" slender man said

"Come with me Lilith," the slender man said as he took Lilith with him.

"So who wants to party?" Bonnie said

"HELL YEAH" everyone shouted


"So why are we out here?" Lilith asked
"Transform Lilith" slender man said
"Wh....what?" Lilith asked
"Let it out you can't harm anyone out here," the slender man said

"Slender you know I'm just a human with issues," Lilith told him.
"We'll see about that," he said

He suddenly tried to attack Lilith but she stopped him.

Her eyes were pitch black with blue pupils, her hair darkened and her teeth sharpened.

"Fascinating" slender replied

Lilith looked at him confused before she looked at her self.

"Holy shit" she replied
She tried to change back to normal
"Your a dark demon one of a kind" slender said
"B...but I don't get it my mother was human...." Lilith questioned.
"Unless....your father was one" slender man said.

"I never knew the real father he left when I was born..." Lilith said sadly...

"Oh...I'm sorry about that" slender said
"Ahh it's fine it's not your fault..." Lilith said

"Well you're always welcome in the mansion everyone seems to like you" slender replied

"Heh...yeah," Lilith said

Slender always treated Lilith  his daughter even tho they aren't related and life was great
his brothers came to the mansion.

"Everyone I would like you all to meet my brothers," he said frustrated that his brothers are here.

One of them was called splendor man he was very...cheerful? But Lilith and he get along great. When Bonnie saw him they were instant best friends.

Next was trencherman Lilith thought he was boring so did everyone else😂.

Next was slender's younger brother who was the same age as Lilith surrender man he was shy but he was friendly.

And last was offender-man Bonnie HATED him just by the way he acts to girls. He would try to flirt with Lilith but she would flirt back and even end up making offender man Nervous as hell.

Everyone was surprised Lilith and offender were friends. Offender would try to get her to accept the rose. But she would always decline just to annoy him.

"Don't worry offender one day you two will be together?"Jeff said to the offender

"Do you like offender??" Bonnie asked Lilith
"N-No!!" Lilith lies
"Lil we are like sisters I can tell when your lying!" Bonnie said

"FINE I DO" Lilith finally admitting it

Offender overheard that and went behind Lilith.

"Really now~?" Offender said in her ear seductively.

Lilith punched him in the gut and he fell to the floor some of then snickered at the scene

"I'm impressed Lilith you are the first to actually teach my brother a lesson" slender said laughing.

Lilith went down and kissed offender's cheek

"See ya, lover boy, ~," she said as she walked off to her friend's lulu and Jeff.

"There's more to Lilith than you think offender," Bonnie said as she went to Toby, hoodie, and masky

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